Best payware 737 model available?

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Best payware 737 model available?

Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 16 Dec 2007 07:35

Anyone here that can recommend the best payware 737 model available in their opinion (both old and new generations)? Thanks in advance.

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Postby AS275 » 16 Dec 2007 12:29

I have the Wilco/FeelThere 733-735 and the PMDG 737-739 and like them both..

FeelThere has both FS9 and FSX versions whilst PMDG is still FS9 only BUT a totally new version for FSX will be coming after the MD11 which in testing at the moment. No date for the new version but may be some way off.

Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 16 Dec 2007 12:43

Really, the only viable options are the PMDG Next-Gen 737's (600-700-800-900) or Feelthere's older version 737's (300-400-500). I like PMDG's as I used fs2crew and it looks like if I want to run feelthere's in vista on fsx I'm going to have to buy an update. Just personal preference really... they are both excellent products.

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Postby ITZREAL » 02 Mar 2008 13:23

Ariane Boeing 737-900ER is top notch. It is expensive but worth it. In my opinion only, it is the best 737 out there. I also own the Wilco 737PIC (FSX), the PMDG 737-8/9 (FS9), I think Ariane does not get enough attention.

Postby AS275 » 03 Mar 2008 08:23

I think Ariane does not get enough attention.

It certainly looks very nice and there is plenty of eye candy. It probably gets plenty of attention right up to the price (and the number of repaints available that are not Brazilian) but the price is far too high for a lot of people when there is a good alternative available.

737-6/7 from PMDG 39.99 Euros
737-6/7 from Ariane 88.45 Euros
To add the 738/9 to PMDG is 27.95 Euros and for Ariane 88.45 Euros.

Postby Guest » 08 Mar 2008 23:13

I am looking to add a 737 to my hanger, but I have no option as the PIC737 isn't compatible with VISTA (if you are running FS2004) so it looks like it'll be the PMDG option for me.

I just bought 757 Professional as my options were limited for the 737, so far I am loving it. Will pick up the PMDG in a couple of weeks I expect.

Postby AS275 » 09 Mar 2008 11:10

Just remember that PMDG have a new 737 slated for after the MD11 although you will probably get a discount on the new version if you have the original. PMDG is far superior in many ways.

But on the point of Vista/Wilco/FS2004 the website at ... rod_737pic does NOT state that it will not work in that combination. The tech specs give Microsoft Flight Simulator X/2004 - Pentium IV - 1.4 GHz - 256MB RAM - 32Mb Graphics - Windows Vista/XP.. There are these threads about FS9 and Vista ... erms=vista ... erms=vista ... erms=vista

Postby FR8_DOG » 10 Mar 2008 02:56

Darren Smith wrote:I just bought 757 Professional

If that's the new one by Just Flight, I look forward to your review.

I fly the PMDG 736/G and really enjoy it.

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Postby AS275 » 10 Mar 2008 09:59

Not really 'new' - it is the PSS version JF have taken on (as they have the 777). Not likely to be available for FSX unless Phoenix arise from the ashes.

Re: Best payware 737 model available?

Postby FLIGHTSIMMER » 06 Nov 2009 04:50

I think Ariane does not get enough attention. They are an absolute ripp off, I would never buy their over priced products, go with PMDG, they are the best.

Re: Best payware 737 model available?

Postby vic365 » 07 Nov 2009 00:27

PMDG and Wilco/Feelthere would be my recommendations, for the -300 to -900 models. One that I love to fly that was not mentioned is the TinMouseII freeware 737-200. It's a pain to download and install as a single installer has not been made (that I know of). It involves getting the latest base version, several updates, a base models package, etc., etc. It's strictly "old school" with no FMC, a single INS system and an older Sperry AP (77 I think)...but I still love my rodent!

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Re: Best payware 737 model available?

Postby TheDude71 » 14 Dec 2009 01:33

FLIGHTSIMMER wrote:I think Ariane does not get enough attention. They are an absolute ripp off, I would never buy their over priced products, go with PMDG, they are the best.

Could of not said it better myself. go with PMDG, you won't regret it!! Its all I fly for my 737'S. You will be very pleased!!

Re: Best payware 737 model available?

Postby vic365 » 17 Dec 2009 22:18

And an update on the Tinmouse2...a single, full, installer has been released for the 1.25 version! Also download the 1.26 gauge update to stop panel re-initialization when switching between Full and Windowed modes. More info at the AVSIM forum, ... wforum=253

This makes the TM2 an easy to install bird...the biggest issue in the past. You need the Delco Carousel IV-A INS freeware from for the INS to work. The TM2 comes with several "panel.cfg" for those with RealityXP, CIVA and Tom Herrington's TCAS.

If you ain't into Old Iron...don't bother :P

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