Freeware Cessna 182-RG for FSX

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Freeware Cessna 182-RG for FSX

Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 25 Nov 2007 21:14

Anybody know where I can find a good Cessna 182RG II for FSX. I've looked everywhere I can think of and can't find one. I need one to finish flying my ASHA training flights. Thanks in advance.

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Postby Buckeye Roy » 26 Nov 2007 04:01

Hi Shawn,

Unfortunately, the Cessna 182RG was made in FS2002 and although it worked in FS9 I can't seem to get it to work in FSX. I've been able to port most of the FS9 aircraft over to FSX, but for some reason this model won't display, plus the gauges used in the panel were made for FS98 so most won't work in FSX. Although you can use the FSX default 172 panel. But without the model not displaying it doesn't make a difference. The 182S from FS9 on the other hand, seems to work just fine, but not the 182RG.

Carenado has an excellant 182RG which was made for FS9, and like most of their other aircraft they have patches to make them work in FSX. Carenado Cessna 182RG. Of course it will set you back a few bucks.

I have their Cessna 206 and it really works great in FSX.

I don't think the ASHA guys wouldn't mind if you have to use the 182S or the even the default Cessna 172 in FSX for your training flights, since they're all single-engine props.

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Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 26 Nov 2007 04:29

Thanks Roy. I had previously purchased the C182RG from Carenado, but since I bought a new system and switched to FSX I can't seem to figure out how to re-download the C18RG from Carenado....I copied all of my other aircraft over, but I must have forgottem that one in particular, (must have had one too many)....anyway, I've been flying the flight with the FSX default C172, just hoping to either find a good freeware version, or figure out how to re-download the Carenado version without re-purchasing it.

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Postby AS275 » 26 Nov 2007 10:08

If you haven't kept a copy of the original email with the link try an email to them. Seem to remember it worked for me once.

Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 27 Nov 2007 21:52

I've e-mailed Carenado a couple of days ago, but as of yet, they still haven't responded back either way. Guess we'll give them a couple more days and see how their customer service is...... :roll:

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Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 28 Nov 2007 16:41

Well, I guess Carenado really doesn't give a flip after they've got their far, 4 days after my original email to them, not a peep from them. Figures.

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Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 29 Nov 2007 20:27

FYI, it took 4 days worth of emails to Carenado, but I just received my email link once again. Regards everyone!

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