ASHA Flyin - Sunday 29OCT06 Screenshots - WARNING 27 SHOTS!!

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ASHA Flyin - Sunday 29OCT06 Screenshots - WARNING 27 SHOTS!!

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 29 Oct 2006 06:55

HI all.

I took a number of Screenshots of the ASHA flyin today. Hope you enjoy.

1. I'm lined up on RWY05 at Queenstown (NZQN) with everyone else taxiing out.

2. Climbing out through the hills between Queenstown and Manapouri with three other aircraft following

3. Got to love the mountainous country that is New Zealand. Roger and Ron close on my tail

4. 3,500' through the hills following Norm

5. Low level through the hills following three of my fellow pilots

6. Hot on the tail of Jeff and Norm

7. There was some pretty close formations!

8. Climbing out of Invercargill (NZNV) after my touch and go with Jeff, Norm, Roger, Ron and Roy taking their turn

9. 345 knots, 107 feet above sea level

10. The shadow gives you an idea about how low we can go!

11. Low level and rear door open practcing for cargo drop

12. Norm and I in low level formation around Stewart Island

13. 3,500' through the hills following Norm

14. Climbing back up with everyone alongside

15. Closeup of the rear doors open

16. Climbing out after the touch & go at Dunedin (NZDN), Jeff's done his and Norm and Roy are next

17. Short finals to full stop landing at Christchurch (NZCH)

18. Norm about to touch down at Christchurch

19. Div Comm (Rtd) Ron Reed on short finals at Christchurch

20. Norm and Ron formed up on me and Roger just taxiing in outside the US Antarctic Program HQ in Christchurch

21. Norm and I outside the US Antarctic Program hanger at NZCH

22. All 6 of us lined up, from left to right, Jeff, Mark, Norm, Ron, Roger and Roy

23. All 6 of us lined up, from left to right, Jeff, Mark, Norm, Ron, Roger and Roy - the rain's rolling in!

24. Me playing meat in the sandwich between the two Co-Commanders

25. Climbed up to FL150 for the trip up the coast to Wellington (NZWN), this was as I passed the township of Kaikoura, where the mountains meet the ocean

26. Short finals for RWY34 at Wellington with Norm climbing out after his low level high speed pass. The runway only broke visual at 1,000'AGL so close to minima

27. Jeff, Mark, Norm, Ron and Ron on the Western Apron outside the RNZAF movements office. Roger and Roy had to leave us at Christchurch.

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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 29 Oct 2006 08:14

Spectacular Mark fantastic shots well done. Thanks for all the good work you put into todays flyin :)

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Postby Buckeye Roy » 29 Oct 2006 10:40

Great shots Mark. I definitely had a great time. It was alot of fun, especially the low-level flying along the coast.

Below are a couple of shots I took of the group getting ready to depart Queenstown and all lined up and smiling for a group photo at Christchurch. What a difference when you have the enhanced scenery.



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Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 29 Oct 2006 11:41

Thanks for sharing your pics as well Roy. And yes, NZ is my home, even though I now live in Australia, but have almost every possible bit of addon scenery for NZ that I can lay my hands on and it sure does make a difference, especially low level!!

Glad you enjoyed yourself and thanks for supporting the first ASHA flyin I have organised.


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Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 29 Oct 2006 14:20

Nice pics 8)

It was a lot of fun. Loved the low level flying over the rolling hills. :)
AS283 Roger Dean

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2006 14:24

Awesome shots Mark! The series clearly depicts the flight in detail and the scenery is great! That sure was some low alt. flying, worthy of a Thunderbird review,

Postby jsummers » 29 Oct 2006 21:16

Well the 1500Z fly-in was riddled with problems. I had problems with FS Host and others trying to connect. We got that resolved, then lost FS HOST altogether soon after departure. Regained the server before our arrival into Dunedin. This picture was taken right before departure at Christchurch. Default scenery, and not as pretty as Mark's. Oh by the way, we lost Ken on the server,


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Postby JSkorna » 30 Oct 2006 01:22

Very nice job!

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