Exciting news! AirSource member AS 423 Simon Utley submitted a great idea and a "trial" leg one special crew pass has been added for us to enjoy. The possible ongoing event is called "WORLD AIR RACES". If demand is high enough we will continue to add legs and refine the series as needed. EMT is also in discussion about some other ideas around the event if it becomes popular enough.

Each leg has a MAX SPEED (KNOTS) and MAX ALTITUDE (FEET MSL) requirement (see within the crew pass description). At this time it's the honor system, and requires using myAAS (myAAS does constantly monitor altitude and speed but there is nothing in place that will disqualify a participant at this time).

Start myAAS recording
as soon as you lift off, end myAAS recording
as soon as you stop after touch down at destination airport.
You can also use a stop watch within the sim aircraft or a real stop watch. Be sure to notate in the comments your exact time. 
Members can fly the flight any amount of times they wish to better their times.

Crew pass shows the suggested aircraft but any aircraft can be used as long as the flights posted max speed is not exceeded at any time during the flight. Be sure to PIREP the flight with the actual aircraft used in the simulator.
IMPORTANT NOTE about airspeed and altitude: Please set your autopilot to coordinate with the Airspeed and altitude showing in the myAAS program. i.e. if max speed it 170 knots, then assure you are NOT going over 170 knots on the myAAS airspeed panel. Same with altitude. 
WEATHER needs to be set to clear skies, calm / zero wind, standard pressure 29.92 (1013 millibars)

ROUTE - any route can be utilized by the participant as long as MAX altitude/speed requirements are met. A sample route for LEG ONE is here [PASC-PABT]:
https://skyvector.com/api/loadplan?id=1 ... -152.37781See current available leg(s) here
http://air-source.us/operations/crew_pa ... LDAIRRACESSimon is sponsoring this event so will monitor results and post a reply here to keep us updated as times are submitted.