Near Miss over Indonesia

Learn from others mistakes, above all be safe!

Near Miss over Indonesia

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 11 Aug 2011 08:58

Haven't been quite so close before and captured on screen. Me - at FL350 65nm NE of WIPP in a B763F, him/her - SIA B777-300ER at FL348 heading to WIII. Funnily enough the 777 starting turn left (prob just a waypoint tho - AI pilots aren't quite that smart yet! :D Click on the image to enlarge.


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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Posts: 1570
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

Re: Near Miss over Indonesia

Postby SCKing » 29 Jun 2014 02:52

Reading your post gave me a flashback. Similar in nature, I experienced a "close encounter" myself. I posted my encounter in the image section of the forum, and like your experience, was counting rivets as the UTII AI traffic blitzed by. However, more un-nerving than this close encounter is to see a cluster of closing traffic around you (image also posted in the image section). I find I absolutely have to have AI traffic on flights to make life more lively, but it took some time tweaking UTII to scale things down just a bit. Way too many flights being #7 to #15 for the active rwy. One can only make up so much time in the air.

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