PMDG 737NGX has arrived !!!

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PMDG 737NGX has arrived !!!

Postby Eric Lilly ASO280 » 05 Aug 2011 02:22

They released the PMDG 737 NGX for FSX tonight.. Looks like a great aircraft.. $69.99 USD.. You get the 800/900.. It sounds like the 600/700 model will be a add on which means more money out of their customers pockets.. What a bad time to release it though.. The same day the stock market had a major hickup.. (DOW down 500 + points)..

Personally, I wish it was a 777.. I think I will hold off on the PMDG 737NGX since I own the iFly737 and wait for the Level D 757.. Who knows when that will be released though.. I just can not get excited about another 737 from PMDG.. Im sure its top shelf though..

You can venture over to PMDG right now and check it out.. Although they seem to be having major server issues since so many people are going over there.. You might want to hold off on purchasing it until things settle down..
Eric Lilly ASO280

Re: PMDG 737NGX has arrived !!!

Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 07 Aug 2011 22:35

Wooohoooo! I've been waiting (and waiting and waiting) for their new B737. 8)
AS283 Roger Dean

Re: PMDG 737NGX has arrived !!!

Postby hippyone9 » 07 Aug 2011 23:18

Personally not going to bother as FS9 is my sim until Microsoft Flight comes along in a year or so


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Re: PMDG 737NGX has arrived !!!

Postby pete_auau » 13 Aug 2011 06:22

hi all i can say about the ngx is wow the best yet i got the ifly 737 as well and it doesn even get close to the pmdg ngx everything is close to being real to the real aircraft the other day got a door warning light appeared didnt take any notice took off than got another warning auto fail pressuaration fail since i doidnt rectify the door warning. so all those that are hanging off the ngx i say go get it it well worth it.

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