ASHA C-130 emergency deviation

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ASHA C-130 emergency deviation

Postby iang77 » 20 May 2010 02:36

Boarded our C-130J at Biloxi, MS expecting a pretty standard cruise at FL230 to the ASHA base at Miami International. About 45 nm out from KMIA, the aircraft suddenly entered a violent spin and was rapidly losing altitude. I took command of the aircraft and disabled the autopilot immediately. Finally regained control of aircraft at 6,000 feet and declared emergency to ATC. My first officer requested vectors to the nearest airport (KIMM Immokalee Regl) where we arrived visual 27. Paramedics were waiting upon arrival at the ramp. Everyone escaped with minor bumps and bruises, except for the second officer who hit his head pretty hard on the console. Notified ASHA Wing Commander Roger Dean and maintenance crews at the Miami base. Awaiting their arrival here in the Everglades.

Sounds like an FS weather glitch to me. Thoughts, anyone?

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Re: ASHA C-130 emergency deviation

Postby AS 506 Jay Kae » 20 May 2010 04:46

Sounds to me like a weather glitch indeed, even though I have had something similar happen to me once with the CS130 with no weather selected.

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Re: ASHA C-130 emergency deviation

Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 25 May 2010 11:17

Ditto on the weather glitch. I found a "special place" off the west coast of Africa a couple times a few years ago when traveling from Florida/Georgia to South Africa.

Excellent job on regaining control and bringing the aircraft down safely. Hope everyone has recovered from the experience.

Crews should have been there by now to check out the C-130. If not, well, enjoy a few days R&R and if you all get really bored see if you can rent a car and drive back to Miami.

P.S. ASHA will cover the cost of your stay at the Seminole Indian Reservation. As for a Casino visit, you are on your own. :lol:
AS283 Roger Dean

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