ASHA Training in the Alps

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ASHA Training in the Alps

Postby Guest » 24 Mar 2008 00:52

Hope I am not annoying people with these posts, but as the forum is quite I thought I would share some more shots from my ASHA training in the Beech 1900C.

Details of the flight can be seen here: ... TID=153856

This was a visual rules departure and I needed to get some altitude real quick.


The weather was pretty bleak, but I should be climbing out of it shortly.


Turning towards my first waypoint as I climb clear of the terrain.


Just reaching my cruise altitude of 16oooft.


The view is spectacular from up here, but it took a while to reach this altitude due to the heavy payload.


Still in the cruise but I get the charts out and start to plan my arrival.


Having decended to 7oooft I turn to intercept the ILS after following the FRI1S STAR.


All set for my landing to Rwy23, I struggle to keep my speed down to around 135kts.


Another flight in the logbook, and one of my more scenic trips.


I let out the passengers as I finish powering down the aircraft.


Well, hope you enjoyed the images.

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