Returning a Spitfire from Fenland to Duxford

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Returning a Spitfire from Fenland to Duxford

Postby Guest » 02 Mar 2008 21:41

Well the last flight of a fine Sunday's flying. I have been lucky enough to be asked to return a Supermarine Spitfire to Duxford, a short 25 minute hop to the south.

I have just left Fenland airfield - you should hear this plane roar!


Although a little hazy, the weather has picked up since I flew into Fenland earlier on.


I must of took me less than a minute to climb up to 3oooft - a big difference from my Stationair.


I'd wave at the camera if I could release my grip from the controls.


This is a VFR flight and I spot Duxford through the haze and turn towards my destination.


I decide to flyby Duxford - the urge to show off is too great!


Here is Duxford, I have been here as a spectator at airshows in the past.


I think I have their attention, time to turn around and land this baby.


Running parallel to the runways I prepare to come in on the grass strip of Rwy21.


Down in one piece, this is one Sunday I won't forget.


This 3 leg flight was great fun and a great way to spend a Sunday. It cost me a few quid in fees but was well worth it. It'll be back to flying scheduled flights tomorrow to earn more money to fund my next daytrip.

Postby AS275 » 03 Mar 2008 08:28

That is a really nice set of images Darren. Thanks for sharing.

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 03 Mar 2008 10:47

Excellent shots. What model is it please??

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Postby as099mw » 03 Mar 2008 11:29

Very nice!
There will be some bid flights available as soon as the weather turns better over the Northern hemisphere.

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Postby Guest » 03 Mar 2008 16:02

Hey, thanks for the feedback on my images, I am really pleased with these ones as they are a little different from the usual 'heavies'.

The plane was made by RealAir and is fantastic. The airfile seems spot on to me, it feels like nothing else I have flown in FS, and the sound is incredible, really incredible.

Here is a linky ... txiv_intro

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