Postby vadopazzo » 11 Jun 2017 06:35

I flew #3 from SPIM to SPPY in cloudy conditions at night and had set up my approach using virtual WP in FSC. I was surprised to find the airport at the bottom of a chasm with a footprint approximating the runway. Steep sides rising 3-4k feet. I've searched for scenery which would correct the anomalies of FSX terrain but can't find any. I'm wondering what others have found when flying this route in this great event.

I'm tempted to use ADE to adjust the airport but would like to hear from others. I'm using FSX-SE and Win10. Has anybody completed this flight?

these events are great and I'm looking forward to the next legs.

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Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 11 Jun 2017 07:53

I too struggled to fly in here but found it okay, had to go around and visual approach only.

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Postby Alan Black AS122 » 11 Jun 2017 07:54

I had the opposite on that one. I found a scenery on AVSIM, but it had the airport on a plateau about 2500ft above the surrounding area (~8000ft). Since I won't fly there often, I just went with it, but if I ever go back there, I'll probably have to see if there's a way to get it closer to normal.

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Postby vadopazzo » 11 Jun 2017 09:26


Here is what I encountered. I hope the link comes through. (I use a helo to scout new airports ...)

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Postby TerryW » 11 Jun 2017 18:14

I arrived there in an L-188.....exited the flight, uninstalled the freeware South America mesh I had. Re-flew the flight, the airport was fine. No trouble using the default airport with the FSX default mesh. Have now re-installed the SA mesh, but I won't be visiting SPPY any time soon!


Postby jsummers » 12 Jun 2017 00:19

Maybe I should've scouted this airport beforehand. I flew this leg with a PMDG 738, (current AIRAC) FMC said airport landing altitude was around 8000, so I set up my 3 degree descent initial altitude for 11000 and went in visually. Everything was going good until the steep drop-off at the end of the runway appeared at 5600 feet. Immediately deployed spoilers, tried to keep airspeed down but ended up making a hard landing. Probably will never fly into this airport again, but as Vadopazzo said, best to scout unfamiliar airports.

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Postby vadopazzo » 12 Jun 2017 01:14

Rather than finding SA mesh (URL of source?), I used Airport Design Editor to elevate the runway to 8333' and added a crude tarmac. I may add more to the airport and fly routes.


If I can find SA mesh, I'll add it.

... love these events!

thanks, Mark!

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Postby TerryW » 12 Jun 2017 08:57

Barry, I believe the mesh I have was from a project by R Tabouret (sp?)...the link in the readme is no longer valid. I use it because it's a smaller size than that available at Avsim. Try a search at Avsim, in FSX Scenery, for "South America mesh".


Postby vadopazzo » 12 Jun 2017 18:15

I found SA mesh on both Avsim and Flightsim.com ... the mesh from the latter consisted of over 20 downloads while Avsim was only 4. I'm going to try the 4.


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