Connection Problem

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Connection Problem

Postby AS467 Dave Eastwood » 01 Sep 2024 14:49


Could I ask for help please?

When I try to connect MyAAS2 I get an error message stating the my ASS2 is "unable to find Flight Simulator" and to make sure I have FSUIPC installed.

I'm using MSFS 2020 and have FSUIPC7 installed.

If someone could advise what I need to do or if any more information is required?

Thanks in advance

AS467 Dave Eastwood
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Re: Connection Problem

Postby AS201 Joe » 01 Sep 2024 16:12

Hi Dave,

Just a quick thought, can you make sure that they are running at the same privilege (i.e. both are running as administrator or not).

Also, maybe try running myAAS2 from the desktop and see if that works.

AS201 Joe
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Re: Connection Problem

Postby AS467 Dave Eastwood » 01 Sep 2024 18:49

Hello Joe,

Many thanks for the suggestion.

myAAS2 was not running with administrator privileges, but it is now and everything works :D

A really big thanks Joe.


AS467 Dave Eastwood
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Re: Connection Problem

Postby AS201 Joe » 01 Sep 2024 19:54

glad you got it working

AS201 Joe
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