Looking for a GREAT Plane

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Looking for a GREAT Plane

Postby rich1963 » 03 Mar 2007 01:01

Boogity Boogity Boogity,

Whats up all? I wanna spend some money. I'm looking for a new Plane. I already have the following:

Capt. Sim 707, 727 and C-130
PMDG 744/744F, 737NG and the 1900D
level-D 767
Stationair 6 II
Super 80

I'm thinking an Airbus or MD-11 or a 757 and 777.

Any suggestions? I like the TOP QUALITY planes. The PMDG's are by far my Fav's.

Thanks in advance,

Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 03 Mar 2007 07:01

Yeah I love the PMDG's, too! Just figured out a mod to get fs2crew to work with the freighter! I love it! Have you looked at the F1 ATR? Its a quality plane and you can use fs2crew with it! I have the PSS777 coming in the mail as we speak. I'm curious about the wilco airbuses. I'm waiting for the PSS757 to hit justflight so I can buy it at a reasonable price (darn pounds kill me). The MD-11 that just came out I would pass on. From what I've heard is that it looks pretty but thats about were it stops. No FMC only fs9 based GPS. Jay could make a good suggestion. I think he owns just about every piece of payware that has hit the market.

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Postby rich1963 » 03 Mar 2007 07:45

Cool. Thanks for the input. Hopefully jay will see this and suggest something. It seems to be hard to top the PMDG 744.

And BTW......I'd be interested in that Mod you mentioned. I fly the 744F the most.


Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 03 Mar 2007 08:08

rich1963 wrote: And BTW......I'd be interested in that Mod you mentioned. I fly the 744F the most.

Ask and you shall receive!

http://www.air-source.us/phpbb2/viewtop ... =7278#7278

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Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 04 Mar 2007 08:07

For me, this is the order:

1. PMDG 737, 747 and 74F all equal
2. Level D
3. Flight 1 ATR
4. PSS 777 and 757
5. Capatin Sim C130
6. PMDG B1900c
7. PMDG B1900d
8. PSS A330/A340
9. PSS A320 family


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Postby rich1963 » 04 Mar 2007 09:02

The PSS 757 looks good. And only $40 US. Thats not too bad. But The 777? You have to pay for Liveries? That one seems a bit high. They have 2 multi packs. 1 with everything, 100 euro's? Thats like $130 US. Thats ALOT! then the other multipack was like 45 euro's. With Only 3 Models.

Hmmmmmmm........... I need more input. I noticed it was 4th on Marks list.

Are the 75's and 77's as advanced as the 74's and 76's? Do they have the Autoland? Fully functional FMC's? How bout failure systems like the PMDG and LD?

Right now I'm leaning toward the PSS 757.

Thanks again.


Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 04 Mar 2007 11:32

I'm probably a little biased as I'm a PSS Beta Tester.

You will love the 757 -

Fully functional FMC - YES
Autoland - YES (Although I do find it a little hard on landing, often more than 300 FPM)

The aircraft is as advanced as the 74 and 76 and by all accounts PSS have done an ok job with it, especially with the latest service release.

It climbs like a rocket (as the real one does) and this is well simulated.

The 757 comes with lots of liveries and many different models.

From every account I have read, 1,000,000% better than the Captain Sim 757.

I personally doubt you will have any regrets so long as you don't try to compare it feature for feature with PMDG or Level-D, they are very different aircraft.


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Postby rich1963 » 04 Mar 2007 11:46

Thanks Mark,

You may have just made a sale. As far as the Capt. Sim 757 I decided NO when they decided not to finish the plane. What good is an advanced plane with the Advancements? lol

And what about the Triple 7? Whats that plane like? What is so different that it costs more than twice as much?

Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 04 Mar 2007 13:02


You can get the PSS777 for $29.99 shipped for free to the UK/US. Got it yesterday and have yet to try it out.

The 757 isn't available yet through justflight. With the pound conversion the 757 would run almost $60. The 777 they have listed on their site is plain ridiculous and really just short of a scam. If you don't mind waiting a couple of days get the boxed version through justflight for a much more reasonable price.

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Postby rich1963 » 04 Mar 2007 15:41

Thats pounds?

I thought it was euros. Thats WAY ridiculous. I can wait. Thanks for the link though. I don't remember shopping there before.


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