757 War, who's best?

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757 War, who's best?

Postby Brandon Stoll » 14 Nov 2006 06:51

Ok, I've read on Level D's forums that it's looking like their 757 is going to be solely for FSX. I'm not ready to upgrade to FSX...I figure I'll entertain that thought when the current payware I have is updated to FSX or at least the option to purchase it is available...not to mention the need to get Vista and a newer, powerful graphics card/mobo/proc. SO, that being said, I'm down to the two I said I probably wouldn't purchase, PSS and Captain Sim. The last thread on the PSS was around preorders, I see some like it, but I'm concerned about the bugs and FPS problems. And again, I HATE that PSS makes you buy liveries. Captain Sim looks more promising, with the exception that you have to buy those block add ons to get a complete bird the way you want it. So, let'em fly guys, what's the best? There's not enough Continental short haul 767 flights, so I need a 757, just getting bored with the 737, even though I love it.

Brandon Stoll

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 14 Nov 2006 07:43

I'd agree with you that I'm not planning to get FSX until all (well most) of my addons work.

I have heard only VERY negative comments about the Captain Sim 757 and I have not heard one favourable thing. I don't own it so can't speak from personal experience.

Now I for one REALLY like the PSS 757. I am a Beta Tester so might be biased but I've found it to be nigh on flawless as far as flight dynamics and niceities and PSS certainly learned from a few errors with the B777 (almost all of which have been fixed by the patch).

It has a couple of inaccuracies but overall, I think it is a really nice package.


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Postby Guest » 14 Nov 2006 08:35

I'm not a beta tester and I love it. :D

Postby AS283 Roger Dean » 14 Nov 2006 13:01

I have the PSS B757 and am very happy with it.

I rank it up there with the PSS B777, LDS B767, PMDG B747 & B737. The B757 is one of my top flyers. In fact, I'm flying 'er as I type.

The PSS B757 is currently available for FS9. I understand a patch will soon be availalbe for FSX.

As for liveries... I will soon be working on an ASHA "new color" variation of the PSS B757 which will be offered to AirSouce members for free. 8)
AS283 Roger Dean

Postby Eric ASO59 » 15 Nov 2006 20:44

I have the PSS 757 and love it.. I dont remember buying a liveries package.. Im pretty sure the PSS 757 comes with a bunch of liveries plus you can also add "User edit" Repaints available on the PSS website...
Eric ASO59

Postby Brandon Stoll » 28 Jan 2007 08:08

Ok, I've purchased both 757's from PSS and CaptainSim. I'm slightly disappointed by captain sim's for a couple reasons...the 753 package doesn't seem to come with a front view cockpit panel in 2d...every other panel is represented though when you look around (isolated incident?? support contacted). And I can't figure a way to add some RR or PW sounds to it, so I may have to buy the sound package. The PSS is actually very good...however I'm having a major issue with it and I don't know if it's just my lack of good piloting?? I started a flight from KCLE to KLAS tonight. My assigned altitude originally was FL390. I could not get the plane above FL310 and even then, it continued to lose AS, so I decreased to FL300 and it went fine. There was a headwind, but nothing too bad...I'm not sure what the problem was, but I could not get that bird up to her altitude. I tried using Vspd and FLCH with the A/T engaged. it wasn't having it. I thought back and figured maybe I put too low a cost index and enough fuel wasn't going to the engines, so I went to the FMC and input cost index 100, but that didn't seem to do it either. Is this just a bug or?? I know the operating altitude of the 757 is FL410...maybe my weight was off?? I did eventually get up to FL390, so I'm thinking it was a weight issue. Though I figure at a vs of 100, it shoud have been able to slowly attain the altitude.
Last edited by Brandon Stoll on 28 Jan 2007 08:20, edited 1 time in total.
Brandon Stoll

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 28 Jan 2007 08:12


This is NOT because I am a PSS Beta Tester but based on the 25 or so forums I read daily.

I have yet to hear ANYTHING favourable about the CaptainSim B757 for the reasons you point out.

Disappointing as they did so well with the C-130.


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Postby Brandon Stoll » 28 Jan 2007 08:23

well, it's real nice on framerates :) :) the VC is nice too. But yeah, I'm a bit disappointed with it. Oh well, one of those little lessons I suppose. I am enjoying the PSS one though, even more then the 777.
Brandon Stoll

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