Yes they have confessed and sent me the following
The file you submitted is indeed clean.
A database update will be released to resolve this issue.The false positive you experienced is caused by our proactive detection engine. In case you got an alert popup for a clean application, you might want to allow its execution manually.
If you are getting the "Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini" alert during the manual system scan or from the VirusTotal website, you might want to disable the Advanced Heuristics feature. And if certain applications are crashing or you are unable to start those applications, you might want to disable the Advanced Process Monitoring feature.
Additional information and instructions for tuning up the heuristic scanning engine can be found here: ... mini.shtmlWe apologize for any inconveniences that this false positive may have brought you. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards,
Hau Vei,
Malware Analyst
F-Secure Security Labs
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