Special forums to discuss AirSource Events


Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 18 Jun 2009 02:40

:!: IMPORTANT!!! BE SURE to use the SAME e-mail address when registering for the forums that you used to register for AirSource! Failure to do so will result in your forum account being REMOVED. If you change your e-mail address BE SURE to change it BOTH at the AirSource HUMAN RESOURCES PAGE, *AND* the forums through the USER CONTROL PANEL. If the e-mail addresses do not match your forum account WILL BE REMOVED!

At the moment we are receiving a "spam storm" of unauthorized forum registrations, so the new user registration page may be "hidden". Please contact Tom and he will direct you how to register.

1. This forum is the place for AirSource members to undertake discussion and for the EMT (Executive Management Team) to provide direction as required. Non-aviation posts belong in the General Discussion forum.

2. There is no minimum age in order to join in, however if you are unable to converse in an adult manner then your membership may be reviewed.

3. Members of the EMT have the final say in all matters. This authority is delegated (in part) to the Forum Moderators as outlined in the Forum Moderators Job Description and they are answerable only to the EMT for their actions in this capacity. Any complaint or disagreement with their judgments should be made to the EMT.

4. As well as text-based discussion, contributors are welcome to post their own or any other material that they have the legal right to post. Any copied material posted must be owned by the contributor or consent must be obtained and credit given. If any question arises regarding the ownership of the material it will be removed. All materials posted are at the risk of the contributor and AirSource will not be held responsible in any way. Any disputes in that regard are dealt with by international copyright law. AirSource will not be involved in disputes of that nature.

5. Posts containing swearwords or insults whether aimed at individuals or aimed indiscriminately at nations, ethnic groups, gender, sexual orientation, religions and/or cultures will be removed and reviewed by the Forum Moderators with a final determination being made by the EMT. Persistent or serious offenders will be banned and removed from not only the forums, but also as a member of AirSource.

6. Blatant advertising of non-flight simulator products and services is unacceptable. The forums are not the medium for advancing products for individual profit-making.

7. Signatures should be kept short and minimum of graphical content. A contributor may put a link to his/her personal website in their signature however posting advertising of commercial sites may result in them being removed.

8. Prior to posting new threads the search facility should be used to ensure that the subject has not been covered before. Repeated threads on the same topic will be removed in extreme cases. Threads over 12 months old should not be resurrected without specific reason.

9. Commonly used abbreviations are acceptable however refrain from using ???mobile??? text as not everyone understands it.

10. Any posts involving personal violence or threats, in any shape or form will be actioned by Forum Moderators and/or EMT members immediately. The original poster will be removed from membership of the Forums and their employment with AirSource will be terminated indefinitely. The offending member will have no recourse to appeal such an action.

11. Anybody taking on the identity of another user and posting as such will be deactivated without notice.

12. The EMT and Forum Moderators of AirSource will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum. All messages express the views of the author, and AirSource as an organisation will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

The underlying principle forming the basis of this forum is to further all our knowledge bases of flight simulator through group input. Members are welcome to participate with an open mind and we look forward to your input. The AirSource organisation values behaviour that demonstrates respect, patience and understanding of its members. These values form the core the organisation.

By posting on this Forum, you are acknowledging that you have read and have understood these rules and agree to abide by them.

Norm Edwards
AirSource President
Executive Management Team

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AS37 Norm Edwards
FAA [Administrator]
Posts: 1600
Joined: 26 Nov 2005 00:07
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 37] Whenuapai, New Zealand (NZWP)
AirSource Pilot Number: 37

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