The Vice-President Scheduled Flight Division (VP SFD) is expected to:
1. Carry out command and control over all activities within the Scheduled Flight Division.
2. Recruit or dismiss as required pilots that serve as Airline Flight Managers (AFM's). This includes formulating a generic Job Description that all AFM's must acknowledge (both currently serving and newly appointed AFM's).
3. Manage the SFD financial accounts to ensure sufficient funds are available for the running of the Division.
4. Act as arbitor if and when complaints are received by any rostered pilot involved in SFD operations.
5. Consult with other Division VP's, the Air Source Chief and the Air Source President on matters which could affect overall Air Source policy.
6. Encourage and promote new initiatives within the SFD that lead to increased efficiency.
7. Administer the AFM Standard Operating Procedure Manual, updating or deleting as required.
8. Reward with $V AFM's who have provided consistent exemplary service by updating schedules regularly.
9. Manage the SFD and SFD Flight Manager Forums including the appointment of moderators as required.
10. Contribute to the EMT forum on policy and procedure as required.
11. Any other duties as directed by either the Air Source Chief or Air Source President as required.
12. Enjoy the job and have fun!