The VP T&D is expected to:
1. Carry out command and control over all activities within Air Source (all native Air Source Divisions) that have an element of training attached to it.
2. Develop training programmes that fit the needs and requirements of all native Air Source Divisions on an as required basis and as suggested by Division VP???s. Specific focus at the outset will be aimed at the Training Wing in the ASHA Division.
3. Respond to any forum queries related to training and make policy decisions as required and that fit with the goals of Air Source VPU.
4. Under consultation with other member???s of EMT introduce new initiates that enhance, improve or promote the standards of virtual flying that are undertaken by rostered pilots.
5. Contribute to the EMT forum on issues of policy and procedure as required.
6. Carry out any other instructions as directed by either the Air Source President, Vice-President or Chief.
These duties are not exhaustive and may be adjusted by the appointments outlined at paragraph six above as required.
This position is currently VACANT and is not being reviewing for fulfillment at this time. 26 Apr 2014 Tom Little