The VP ASHA Division is expected to:
1. Carry out command and control over all activities within the ASHA Division except those elements related to training which are the responsibility of VP Training and Development.
2. Promote, recruit or dismiss as required pilots that serve as Airlift Officers in the Command Team.
3. Administer the ASHA Awards System, varying from time to time the prerequisites for award as required.
4. Purchase or sell-off Fleet Aircraft in order to fit the needs of the ASHA and its operational requirements.
5. Manage the ASHA Division financial accounts to ensure sufficient funds are available for the running and maintenance costs of the Fleet aircraft or any other expense that the Division is responsible for.
6. Act as arbitor if and when complaints are received by any rostered ASHA pilot.
7. Consult with other Division VP's, the Air Source Chief and the Air Source President on matters which could affect overall Air Source policy.
8. Encourage and promote new initiatives within the Division that lead to increased efficiency.
9. Administer the ASHA payroll system for SDOs as well as reviewing monthly pay, and in addition to V$ provided in association with the ASHA Awards System.
10. Manage the ASHA and SDO Forums including the appointment of moderators as required.
11. Contribute to the EMT forum on issues of policy and procedure as required.
12. On an annual basis, review the ASHA Pilots Manual and SDO Manual, or at any other time amend said manuals on an as required basis.
13. Any other duties as directed by either the Air Source Chief or Air Source President as required.
14. Enjoy the job and have fun!
This position is currently VACANT and is not being reviewing for fulfillment at this time. 26 Apr 2014 Tom Little