I set up my NGX to service based failures last night and was extremely excited to employ my new tablet.
I loaded the QRH on the tablet and started playing with navigating the manual. I was ready.
This morning, I had an engine failure after rotation and realized that I WAS NOT READY.
The one thing that I kept going back to was Carl, my flight instructor constantly saying, "just fly the d&%n plane!"
The checklist went mostly ignored, though I tried to restart, then finally shut off the fuel to prevent fire.
While trying to go through the checks, I was not flying the plane very well. . . my VS and heading varied wildly.
So I'm thinking about automated checklist, and the one that comes to mind first is FS2Crew.
Is this a good solution?
What exactly would it do for me?
Is there any other options and how do they differ from FS2Crew?