FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Our personal opinions for Flight Simulator Add ons. Payware or freeware

FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Postby cbrdriver » 22 Aug 2015 17:49

I set up my NGX to service based failures last night and was extremely excited to employ my new tablet.
I loaded the QRH on the tablet and started playing with navigating the manual. I was ready.

This morning, I had an engine failure after rotation and realized that I WAS NOT READY.
The one thing that I kept going back to was Carl, my flight instructor constantly saying, "just fly the d&%n plane!"

The checklist went mostly ignored, though I tried to restart, then finally shut off the fuel to prevent fire.
While trying to go through the checks, I was not flying the plane very well. . . my VS and heading varied wildly.

So I'm thinking about automated checklist, and the one that comes to mind first is FS2Crew.

Is this a good solution?
What exactly would it do for me?
Is there any other options and how do they differ from FS2Crew?


Re: FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Postby cbrdriver » 25 Aug 2015 21:52


Re: FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 26 Aug 2015 20:08

I have FS2Crew for the PMDG 777 and was even one of the voiceovers for it but I have to confess to not using it as much as I should.

Non-normals in the real world are hard work for two crew so in the FS world, FS2Crew really helps to compensate for that.

Using it is a steep learning curve after flying single handed for so long.

Hope that helps.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Re: FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Postby cbrdriver » 27 Aug 2015 04:06

How deep is it?
Is set up as difficult as I've heard it can be?

Hours of training Microsoft's voice recognition?

Thanks, Mark

Re: FS2Crew. . . is it worth it?

Postby Mark Vall » 27 Aug 2015 22:12

I'll recommend start using "button control" setup first. Once you're comfortable with it, transition to voice control will be piece of cake.
Voice control is kinda tricky but once set up correctly works pretty well... Initial voice setup took like 1 hour

Cheers, Mark

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