Have a nice picture in FS you wish to share? Post and upload your Flight Simulator Screenshots in the AirSource Gallery (link on top of all AirSource website pages or inside the announcement of this forum)


Postby Guest » 08 Jun 2006 03:51

Here's a screenie from my Key West to Miami Flight. And yes, I used my BSA Repaint to do it. I've come to the conclusion that PMDG has made an AMAZING Product when it comes to their airplanes. I actually whipped out the electronic manual today, all 16 pages...Extensive??? According to PMDG it is. I think the first 8 pages were disclaimers. Anywho, I Made every attempt to fly this thing by the numbers, and it works PERFECTLY. I have a Saitek X52, so I got all the rotary knobs, I can control my prop, and my engine idle, and power for a turboprop. It's a whole new level of control that I've never tried. Well, flying it by the numbers made it go...well, by the numbers. I'm on approach into miami, stickin the glidescope like a fly, and I grease the landing so lightly that the only reason I knew it was a landing, were the tire noises. I had to replay it to get the screenshot, heck, I even had my wife watch the replay and she was impressed :)

I'm liking my investment in this aircraft more and more as time is goin on here.


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