My 777 in the storm.

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My 777 in the storm.

Postby snakey-111 » 07 Aug 2008 19:00

This is my story of my BA 777 in the storm and how i got my job with Air-Source.

(Well i actuallly flew it yesterdayn just too have fun in the storm on the south coast, but i thought i would make a little story :P and I flew in the day, just in case lost control i could still see :lol: )

Sorry for the CRAP quality but blame my computer ;)

So heres my little story....

After EXTREMELY SEVERE flood warnings in Bournemouth, planes are sent to the airport to evacuate people, i was one of those pilots who helped out. We all generally used big planes so we could take a lot of people at one time. In my 777 i could take 400. I was taking people to Gatwick

my flight plan, supplied by the BA ops, following the coast to avoid the heavy LGW traffic and making me able to just slip onto the ILS

the lightning brightens things up

Turning as another flash comes

After bactracking, my turn fails, 777's dont usually use these runways

Taking-off, this thing really is like a rocket!!!

Positive/shaky climb, gear up

Near the coast, WHERE THE REAL STORM IS!!! :? Why did they make me go this way :shock:

God i love it when that lightning comes!!!

In a rather dull looking, yet sinister cloud

WOW!!!!! (thats me sitting on the right!!! but not for long with this airline :( )

Love that tail, I was lucky to get the "Waves of the City" tail

Flashing in a cloud

Another Flash :roll:

Over Shoreham :)

turning left up to gatwick (OVER MY HOUSE!!!!! i think :lol: )

heading up to the ILS

Getting on the glideslope, passengers a little worried but happy that they are going somewhere safe

Bout 5 miles out and the airport PAPI's are JUST visible

Full right-rudder is required to keep it on course!!! :shock: As we have low fuel, there is enough extra weight available to transport lots of the peoples prized possesions they wanted to save. But with the centre of gravity changed, the aircraft does become a little stiff on the controls

Getting there!!!!! Swooping over to the correct runway at Gatwick (the right-hand one or 08R ;))


On the taxiway, engine 1 shut down and stopping the other, waiting for the emergency services (which luckily were on alert) to evacuate the aircraft (full Investigation below)

AAIB Investigation
When the Pilot was nearing the ground with still full right rudder and with a dab of left aileron, a gust of wind just picked up the right wing and slammed the left engine into the ground. Using full LEFT rudder and right aileron accompanied by spoilers to couteract the wind and spin the aircraft to the left and alingn with the centre line the right gear hit the ground hard bursting 3 of the 6 tyres. Reverse thrust is initiated sending alarmn bells ringing through the cockpit, but the pilot is too concerned with keeping the plane on the runway. Using full left then right then left then right rudder and Autobrake 3 with a hell of a tailwind the aircraft is eventually slowed allowing the pilot to turn off the runway with his hands off the controls and onto the pedestal. Shutting down engine 1, then when stopped, #2.

My accident did manage to get into the papers :unsure:
"Jake Wheeler has since been fired by BA for not hitting the TO/GA button, He was criticised by the AAIB and lost his pilots license. And luckily none of the cargo was damaged in the incident."

But i did find someone nice and considerate, Tom Little "but has since taken up a job with Air-Source, with Tom Little (Chief of the airline) having the ability to give Jake back his license and allow him to fly "

Then editor of the paper said "Does he really want to lose his airline??? Well, he must be one brave fellow"

Last edited by snakey-111 on 08 Aug 2008 22:18, edited 3 times in total.

Postby JSkorna » 08 Aug 2008 00:56

That was great!

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