ASHA Training Flight in 757-200 (part 2)

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ASHA Training Flight in 757-200 (part 2)

Postby Guest » 15 Mar 2008 23:09

Just completed a great little 'hop' of just 90nm while training in New Zealand. Thought I'd share some more of my images with you.

Taking off into a really dramatic looking sky.


Positive rate of cliimb, raise gear.


I begin my climb to 9oooft.


Now cruising at 9oooft, I will soon start my descent.


Having intercepted the ILS I lower the gear and add some more flap.


The weather has cleared up a little and visibility is improving all the time.


I now add the last of my flaps and reduce my speed to 15okts.


The view from the cockpit.


Almost down, I fire up the APU and get ready to flare.


Another smooth landing, time to find a parking spot 8)


Another flight down, I am really enjoying my time in New Zealand, I think I will try and get a personal flight in soon if I can find a GA aircraft to rent for a few hours.

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