Debut in a 757-200 (Large post of 13 images)

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Debut in a 757-200 (Large post of 13 images)

Postby Guest » 05 Mar 2008 11:03

Hi there,

I flew a 757-200 yesterday for the first time, having just purchased 757 Professional. So far I am dead chuffed with it although I can't seem to get the load editor to work and so am waiting on a response from Flight1.

It makes me feel sad that PSS went bust because of lousy pirates ripping off these companies. PSS could well of developed many more add ons down the line, hope the pirates are satisfied now :evil:

Anyway, thought I would show you some shots from my maiden flight.

Here I am departing Heathrow


Raising my gear I begin to climb out to cruise.


Gear and flaps are raised and I leave Heathrow behind.


Here I am near my cruise altitude, I will soon begin my decsent as its only a 160nm to Manchester.


Now decsending, I expect instructions from ATC very soon (I use Radar Contact, which I can't recommend enough)


I have been instructed to change my heading and descent to 10oooft, I am being vectored for an ILS appraoch.


Now running parallel to the runway I will soon hang a left and intercept the ILS.


Now decsending to 5oooft I turn to intercept the ILS.


Heading towards the airfield.


Gear down and adding flaps, I gradually reduce my airspeed.


Fully configured for landing the ground rushes up to meet me.


About to touchdown at Manchester.


Speedbrakes extended and reverse thrust engaged I switch on my APU and prepare to turn of the runway.


Hope you enjoyed my images, I am afraid you may have to put up with some more as I intend to rack up some serious flight time in my new addon :lol:

Postby camdog88 » 06 Mar 2008 12:27

Nice shots. What sort of ground textures do you have? They almost look like photo-real. It is sad that PSS went out of Business, but remember PMDG does have a 757 on plans for FSX. Going to miss a lot of aircraft in FSX, unless new companies emerge.

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Postby Guest » 06 Mar 2008 15:28

Thanks for the feedback, its much appreciated.

As for textures, I use Ground Environment ProII, FS Water and FSGlobal for my terrain mesh. I then top that off with a little ActiveSky6.

I do get a touch of the 'blurries' here and there, but I can live with it and overall I am quite pleased with how things look.

I just cannot get FSX to run at an acceptable rate. I am hoping to get a new Gfx card in the summer and may give FSX a try again then.

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