Biggin Hill to Fenland Airfield

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Biggin Hill to Fenland Airfield

Postby Guest » 02 Mar 2008 18:19

Decided i'd hop into the good old Cessna Stationair after lunch and head for a little grass landingstrip at Fenland Airfield. The weather turned out to be a little disappointing compared to this mornings flight to Biggin Hill, but there we go.

Here I am departing Biggin Hill.


Still climbing to 35ooft, I turn to the north east and head to Fenland Airfield.


Here I have left Biggin Hill behind me and will soon reach 35ooft.


My route takes me over London, and you can see London City Airport behind me to the left.


The weather seems to be getting worse and the wind is really kicking up, guess I'll have to end my daytrip at Fenland.


I have visual on the airfield and will soon be down safely.


Cleared to land, I lower my flaps and hit the rudder a little to counter a crosswind from the right.


Safely down I taxi in, shall I risk going back up? I was hoping to make it to Duxford today.


I think I will head back up you know, I am enjoying my Sunday sight seeing trip.

Hope you enjoyed my images

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