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Postby Brandon Stoll » 25 Dec 2005 21:26

Talk about a hard approach! I had to go around once, which was ok because I was ahead of schedule anyway, so the 2nd time put me pretty much on time. Definately have to work on VOR landings. Cool scene though, was worth the 3 hour flight. I was slightly disappointed though because there wasn't even a beach to view like in the real world, with no people spectating and that cool sign on the beach saying to beware of low flying aircraft. I've heard there's a great add on, but that the runway isn't aligned right in FS, so the ATC thinks you land on grass or something. Also a note on the take off photo #2...behind and up for a diverting Jetlink Embraer that had to go around because ATC cleared me for take off and then subsequently told the Jetlink to land, then go around. Nice MS ATC.









Brandon Stoll

Postby Guest » 25 Jan 2006 19:16

nice shots, easy landing there.

Next time I will suggest you try with a 747.

You will for sure end with sweaty hands. :D :D

Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 25 Jan 2006 22:34

There are some nice freeware sceneries of this on avsim.

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Postby Brandon Stoll » 26 Jan 2006 07:34

hah, try with a 747, almost thought you were serious for a minute there. I could barely manage that small 737!
Brandon Stoll

Postby Anthony Fluhart AS167 » 26 Jan 2006 20:02

Actually in the real world there are 747's (and Airbus 340's) that fly into there... take a look on ... I think they can only do the beach approach in though. Its a pretty big mountain on the other side. I think I could manage sitting on the beach with a Mai Tai watching planes all day!

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Postby Guest » 26 Jan 2006 20:34


Holy #$(%!

Postby Brandon Stoll » 27 Jan 2006 02:53

Yeah, I know the queen lands there, KLM flies there often, being a Dutch colony and all. There's some great videos on
Brandon Stoll

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