South American ASHA flights continue

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South American ASHA flights continue

Postby Guest » 05 Apr 2008 21:30

Another jaunt in the trusty 757-200, this time dropping off some empty cargo containers in Santiago and picking up a tents and supplies for the next leg.

Details of the flight can be seen here: ... TID=154741

Not much of a view to enjoy on departure, but the sun will put in an appearance soon.


Sunrise as I follow the AMARI SID while climbing to 6oooft.


Now climbing on to cruise at 33oooft, looks like it'll be a glorious day.


The sun creeps higher in the sky and throws some light on the wilderness below.


Over half way to Santiago I prepare for a step climb to 35oooft now that I have burned some fuel.


Here we are following ATC instructions and decsending toward Santiago which is just 60nm away.


Spectacular views and perfect weather make for a great descent, but ATIS at Santiago suggests we have some poor visability ahead.


As we near SCEL we descend into the cloud and our visibility is reduced to around 6sm.


Another textbook landing I hit the rudder a little to hold the centerline as the co-pilot fires up the APU.


Now we have stopped the engines and powered down the aircraft we prepare to unload the cargo.


This was a fine flight, if a little on the long side for my tastes. Infact this is my longest flight to date, I take my hat off to you long haul flyers.

Hope your enjoy the images.


Postby Guest » 08 Apr 2008 11:04

Spectacular flare on the ninth shot. :o

Postby camdog88 » 08 Apr 2008 13:54


Nice shots. Do you have any issues with the PSS 757's ILS? It just does not want to engage on approach at any airport. I know a few others have had a problem but I have never found a solution, so I had fly all of the appoaches.The LOC and glideslope bars don't even show with the right freq tuned in. Any help would be great.



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Postby Guest » 08 Apr 2008 16:24

Hey guys thanks for the kudos on my images, tis much appreciated.

As for ILS problems Camdog, yup, I had a problem with the ILS not being received or even appearing, even when I manually tuned the comms, I also had a problem with the lights not working.

The solution was very easy though, all you need to do is load up the default flight - (from memory its the Cessna at Seattle I think).

Once your sat at the end of the runway in the little Cessna, leave everything alone, don't turn off any switches or the engine off. Then go to choose aircraft in the drop down menu and load up the 757.

Once loaded, you will see a SET button in the panel selector (in the 2D cockpit), in here you can choose how the 757 will load up when you choose it, set this to cold and dark or ready to pushback.

You then simply goto airport from the dropdown menu and away you go.

It is a bit of a fuss, but this plane is great once your up and running. The SET button remembers you last choice, so now I simply load up the default flight and once sat in the cessna I load up the 757. It then automatically powers everything down and I am sat in a cold n dark cockpit, I then just ajust my fuel and weights and select airport and I am ready to go.

A little tip though, I turn off my traffic while I messing around and only put it to 100% once I am sat at the right airport, this save load times in a big way.

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