Gone Fishin'

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Gone Fishin'

Postby Guest » 20 Mar 2008 16:08

Taking a break from the ASHA flights I have flown this week, I decide to hire an old Beaver and drop a few pals off at Lake Taupo for a spot of fishing.

Departing from NZO1 at dawn.


I turn south and pass over NZRO as the sun starts to melt away the mist.


This is a VFR flight and so we zig zag along taking a look at any interesting landmarks.


Taking in the wonderful scenery I turn toward Lake Taupo.


I should have a visual on the lake shortly.


You can see the runway here at NZRU at Lake Taupo, this looks an great place for a spot of fishing.


With my passengers offloaded I climb away and head north to NZR1.


The sun is up now and the fog and mist are almost gone.


Time to think about landing this baby, she handles well and sounds like a racecar - fantastic!.


You can see the bay that I am to land in, in the distance. It looks like a mill pond and I don't anticipate any problems.


Safely down, this was a great flight and made a real change from my 757-200.


The aircraft is the Aerosoft Beaver and looks the business, although the cockpit is a little on the basic side and only used default gauges - still a bargain though.

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