Tring to fly the default 747

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Tring to fly the default 747

Postby BillTheSlink » 04 Aug 2008 18:42

First, let me give a big thanks to the persons who run this site! It fabulous and I know it's got to be a lot of work. I've flow four flights on ActiveAirsource, unfortunately I have ran off the runway twice at Midway Chicago from Tampa :-) in the rain in the 737. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong, but I'll handle that I have it saved on final turn and will keep playing.

My question is about the default 747 I am working on trying to work my way up to long haul stuff. I can't figure out how to switch from heading hold to following the Microsoft GPS (I just got the PMDG FMC, but haven't started using it yet as I am studding how to use charts to move to Vatsim).

Flight detector on, can't find the NAV Hold and Nav-GPS switches. I may have found the Nav Hold the other day, I don't remember now, but if I did I know there has to be something else to hit as just that didn't do it (if I did find it).

I did manage to find the right planes and liveries and get them working. I had been fighting that for quite a while.

Bill Sinkhorn
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Postby as176andre » 19 Sep 2008 19:23

Hi Bill,

Ok default 747 is easy to operate simply follow the following instructions:

To operate the GPS NAv option you will find 3 knobs just under the master caution warning lights - Norm PFD / GPS NAV / And FULL ND XP, the middle knob is the one you need to change. If you want to follow the GPS flight plan you click the knob to turn to GPS, then on the AP you click on NAV button.

This will let AC follow GPS route. Now when you return to the landing and need to use the ILS and VOR you need to turn the knob to NAV, and then use the HDG button on the Auto pilot. Else the instruments will not show you the VOR and ILS needles etc.

I assume you are using FS9.

Know with PMDG it gets a whole lot more involved and I will certainly take you through the steps once you are happy with the Default one first.

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