Can you help?

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Can you help?

Postby paul01942 » 26 Sep 2015 09:00

Hi fellow simmers.

I've been using the ultimate traffic 2 program for a few years now, al be it out of date as the company are no longer managing it, it's been working ok! I say tentatively.

I re-installed the program as I upgraded to Steam version all was running fine until recently? I keep getting a smart assembly message a dividing I don't have it? I can still see UT aircraft but only the schedules and models I've added I cannot access the UT program what's happened?

Also when I download certain sceneries (this has happened prior to steam) the scenery downloads great but there are no UT aircraft, they are there but invisible the beacon light shows as does the wing and strobes plus the aircraft label? What am I doing wrong please help.

Just downloaded UUEE scenery it's eye candy but completely empty please help before I launch my PC to FL100 arghhhhhhh

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Re: Can you help?

Postby Leemazz » 26 Sep 2015 17:07

Hello Paul

A quick one to try is turn Aircraft ground shadows off

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