NexGen Interactive Software

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NexGen Interactive Software

Postby SCKing » 15 Sep 2015 17:28

Is this NexGen Interactive software (Unigine V2 engine driven) the next generation of flight software? Just saw on an article on it and followed links to a more detailed depiction of this software. I'm still unsure exactly what this new software has as a goal, but got the impression it's the next step beyond FSX. The images posted along with three videos seem to show an extremely detailed level of graphics that lean towards a visually exact display of the real world. It was rather amazing. However, what I didn't see was estimated costs for such software, would it include global scenery, accept existing add on software from the FSX community and what kind of beast would one have to own as a computer to run this program. The teaser images and videos were quite stunning. I'm just not sure I can picture this next generation software meeting the across the board needs of the current FSX pilots. They say the use of their Unigine V2 coding opens the door to these new possibilities. I'm assuming the source code for this new software allows for maximumizing new computer, multi core, High memory and processor better. If nothing else, it may be fun to follow this development and see where it goes.

On further review, this nex gen software approach sounds to be a collective effort from the flight sim community. They suggest global coverage, but it also sounds as though global will be defined by those contributing to the project. Sort of reminds me of the Linux OS and its development.

Has anyone else heard of this new software and know anything more about it?

Re: NexGen Interactive Software

Postby JSkorna » 16 Sep 2015 00:36

Right now it's just a rendering engine with very little in the way of a flight sim. None of those details you asked about have been released. They don't have any/much financial backing at the moment so it's hard to know if anything will become of it.

We have seen many pieces of flight sims in the past and nothing becomes of them. Better off to see what DTG offers.

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Re: NexGen Interactive Software

Postby SCKing » 16 Sep 2015 21:22

I've so often heard about vapor ware projects. It was my first awareness of such an effort. What leads me to wonder how far the project will get is the depth of detail that would seem to take a host of NASA computers to "maybe" run. The other telling clue, developmental input from the flight sim community. While that's fine and sharing whatever the source code may be sounds like the chance for a wide variety of quality output. The last time I recall something like this was with the old Falcon 4.0 software.

For me, I am in way too deep with FSX with addons. If I switch in midstream, the wife would blow a gasket and you guys would see the results of that on CNN. I'll browse around to look at DTG. Can't hurt to look.....

Re: NexGen Interactive Software

Postby AS201 Joe » 16 Sep 2015 22:53

For me, I am in way too deep with FSX with addons. If I switch in midstream, the wife would blow a gasket and you guys would see the results of that on CNN

Hmmm....sounds why I still, mainly, fly FS2204

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