Toast in Tahiti

Learn from others mistakes, above all be safe!

Toast in Tahiti

Postby John Iverson » 16 Feb 2010 03:27

Hi All,
I made a seemingly "normal" OPEARTH ASHA flight "NZAA TO NTAA" and it turned into ONE OF my most terrible flights.

Dep. normal.
Climbing turn onto a NTAA heading.
Cruising fine........ "YAWN"<---(First sign of trouble!)

zzzZZZzzz.... at the controls even!!!

Woke-up, plane in a circle!!! <----YES...YOU MAY ADD "SNORE" HERE. <---(The NEXT "REALLY BIG" sign of trouble!)
Descent started too late!!! Ahhhh!!!<---(And yet another sign of trouble!!!)
No problem "let's cowboy it down" I thought<---(or didn't...), "I'm really tired, let's just land this thing and get some rest, to heck with procedures!!! <-----(A HUGE sign of BIG, BIG trouble ahead.)

After all that "PAIN and DRAMA".... and to finally end-up lined-up.... and then....
HOT landing and promptly over, over, overshooting the RWY..... clear to the waterline!!!

Have decided to fly this flight again. <---(ADD "Re-flying it NOW" here. - To do it "by the book"!)

LESSON: Procedures count!!! When you take shortcuts, you WILL get out of sync with procedure... and your plane WILL take you to places your mind wasn't at ten minutes earlier.

Note to the Boss:
bring lots of butter... because we got plenty of metallic toast here.
John Iverson
John Iverson
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Re: Toast in Tahiti

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 16 Feb 2010 11:46

WOW thanks for sharing this, uhm episode :lol:

We're not "into" removing flights - fact is you tried, you reported the problem and let's consider this a lesson learned

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