Bid Division Transitions to Crew Pass

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Bid Division Transitions to Crew Pass

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 15 Mar 2016 11:39

Following the successful introduction of Crew Passes, the AirSource EMT have, in consultation with the Bid Division Contract Development Officers (CDO), made the decision to transition the Bid Division to Crew Passes.

The Crew Pass system lends itself to similar workings as Bid Division flights but has all the advantages (as well as more in the pipeline, so keep an eye on the forums) of the Crew Pass Gateway.

The current CDOs have all been given access to create Crew Passes and have already been very actively creating new flights for the AirSource crew. There's already a wide range of cargo flights, the Iron Maiden tour and delivery flights, to name a few. No more bid flights will be created in the Bid Division, so head over to the Crew Pass Gateway to find your favourites.

The last Bid Flight is due to expire on June 29, 2016 so Bid Division will officially close on June 30, 2016 so that pilots with bid commitments will not be penalised.

Planning is already underway for a number of events in 2016, including the 2016 Olympics in Rio, so keep reading the forums for exciting news. Events will now be handled in the Crew Pass Gateway.

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AS380 Mark Richards
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Posts: 1578
Joined: 29 Nov 2005 11:55
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 380] Auckland, New Zealand [NZAA]
AirSource Pilot Number: 380

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