Owning GA Aircraft?

VP General Aviation Division: Tom Little.
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Owning GA Aircraft?

Postby AS455 - Don » 15 Aug 2011 12:52

I know I am "jumping the gun", but you know that of me.
Can you give us a hint how owning our own baby bird will work?
Will we have our own Hangar and AF/AP Mechanic?
Anything, Sir?

Edited 9-10-13
I need a 1000 hours periodical inspection on my C172 based in Dallas Texas.
Any recommendations for near by FBO for the Inspections and a name of a good mechanic to do the work?
Thanks, Boss

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AS455 - Don
Control Tower [Moderator]
Posts: 225
Joined: 07 Apr 2008 13:50
Location: [AirSource ID: AS 455]
AirSource Pilot Number: 455

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