Cargo bid suggestions

VP Special Events: Mark Richards. General Discussion about the AirSource Special Events Division.

Cargo bid suggestions

Postby av8orfliboy » 28 Aug 2015 03:21

Hello all. I flew with Air Source in the past and wanted to make this suggestion during my previous employment with AS, but never got around to it. I am willing to do the leg work to make this work, but wanted to gauge support for a modified process.

Right now the cargo bid process is very similar to the scheduled process. The legs are fixed and the cargo weight size is not provided to the pilot. Granted, you are on a clock, there are a limited number of flights per contract, and the reward/pay system is different, but in the end it's still a fixed flight from point A to point B.

I propose a system where cargo (serialized Unit Loading Devices (ULDs) in a database), are periodically injected into the world at cargo origination centers, with a required delivery location. When a pilot accepts a contract on a cargo pallet (or 10, whatever), those serialized ULD are then changed in status on the website/database as "in transit" and subsequently delivered/moved to the location that the pilot lands next regardless of whether that is the final destination for the cargo. The process continues until the cargo arrives at its final destination. This would allow several pilots to work together to make the final delivery of a ULD. For example:

Pilot A picks up ULD 1 in KATL bound for KBFI
Pilot B picks up ULD 2 in KSDF bound for KBFI
Pilot A and B both fly their ULDs to MDW
Pilot C picks up ULD 1 and 2 in MDW and flies them to KBFI.

If the fixed contract was for $X, pilots A, B and C would be paid based on the fraction of the total miles they flew the cargo for.

Just an initial thought for discussion, and to gauge interest in this approach or some variation of it.

Looking forward to the discussion!

*Edit: Typos, etc.

Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby AshleyW » 28 Aug 2015 13:18

I'am not a real pilot, but the idea seems interesting though complicated. I'll read other comments as they come in as I like new stuff.

Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby av8orfliboy » 29 Aug 2015 02:00

Agree it sounds complicated, and maybe I could have explained my concept better. For the end user, ie. the pilot, I envision an interface where instead of bidding on flights, you bid on units of cargo. For the pilot, it should be pretty straight forward. The interface could provide feedback on how effective your network of cargo pilots is at moving freight around the world as you could virtually track ULDs as they progress through the network. The system could include incentives for rapid delivery of ULDs to the final destination, etc.

Another conceptual example:
- You are in Atlanta and bid on (select) 8 ULDs: 3 with a final destination of KSDF, 3 for KSEA, and 2 for KSNA.
- You fly all the cargo to KSDF. ** Since your bidding on the cargo, and not the route, the route the cargo takes is up to the pilot or network of pilots **
- You drop off the 3 pallets destined for KSDF and the 3 for KSEA. The cargo headed to KSNA stays onboard.
- The KSDF cargo is at the final destination, and the virtual ULDs digitally vaporize. You are vPaid for your work.
- The 3 bound for KSEA are back in the database available for pickup by someone headed in that direction.
- You continue on to KSNA with the final 2 ULDs, and any others you may have picked up in KSDF.

I think to make it work, it would require the addition of a freight database, as well as an interface for MyAAS2 to track the delivery and pickup of ULDs. I don't claim that it would be a simple modification, but I think it would add a lot of purpose and logistics satisfaction to virtual cargo operations.

Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby Alan Black AS122 » 29 Aug 2015 07:13

I have to admit, as a former UPSVAC guy, I love the idea, but I have no idea how bad a nightmare it would be for the systems side of things.

I'll defer to those with the "backend" power to comment on the feasability, but as an Idea, I think it's a good one.

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Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 29 Aug 2015 13:20

Hah - funny this comes up! I have plans for cargo and they are big but at the rate we are able to produce due to real world constraints, it's probably a 2017 project at this time. Stay tuned though, I know you will enjoy it...

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Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby av8orfliboy » 29 Aug 2015 23:03

AS 2 Tom Little wrote:Hah - funny this comes up! I have plans for cargo and they are big but at the rate we are able to produce due to real world constraints, it's probably a 2017 project at this time. Stay tuned though, I know you will enjoy it...

Awesome. I'm willing to help as I offered above. Totally understand the real world constraints. It puts such a drain on virtual aviation careers!

In the meantime I'm working on a standalone product that I will probably run on my local network or possibly upload to a website for others to use in conjunction with their natural air source flights, until an integrated system is developed.

Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 07 Apr 2017 02:00

Attn Cargo guys: - Joe and I are starting to put ideas together. Once we get closer to reality we are going to present to the rest of the EMT for their thoughts.

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Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby av8orfliboy » 10 Apr 2017 10:28

AS 2 Tom Little wrote:Attn Cargo guys: - Joe and I are starting to put ideas together. Once we get closer to reality we are going to present to the rest of the EMT for their thoughts.

Thanks for the update, Tom! Looking forward to seeing what you guys put together!


Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby as176andre » 28 May 2017 01:35

Hi Guys, great can't wait

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Re: Cargo bid suggestions

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 28 May 2017 12:03

Sorry but, it's a SLOW process! :D

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