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Postby AS267 Rob » 13 May 2016 22:47

I have been using FSX for two years now and putting up with flights randomly freezing in mid flights with the high end payware aircraft such as the IFly 737 and Level D 767.
The sim will fly the default and freeware aircraft such as the HJG DC-8 all day with out a problem.
I am using W7, FSX is up to date with service packs, computer is dedicated to flight sim and I think I have tried every fix on the web to no avail.
Any suggestion a most welcome, thanks.

AS267 Rob

Re: Stumped

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 14 May 2016 05:40

I get this too, mostly when using PMDG aircraft. I've got used to it and regularly save flights enroute so that I can restart from not far from when the flight froze. I'm not sure why it happens, it's a technical issue no doubt and a quirky element of the FSX program. It's damned annoying tho!

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Re: Stumped

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 14 May 2016 10:50

Are you doing anything like accessing a menu or switching to full screen when this happens?

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Re: Stumped

Postby AS267 Rob » 15 May 2016 01:01

No Tom, nothing like that, I even refrain from changing views looking outside and only change to inside views for the overhead, pedistal and FMC. Apart from that I keep it looking straight out the pointy end.
I have a wide screen monitor and have my IFly 737-800 set to wide screen as the instructions say.
My last two flights with the 737 froze mid flight as it has many times before, they went like this,
Sydney to Perth YSSY to YPPH, a flight of around four hours, programming, take-off to cruise without any problems, around two hours into the cruise it freezes. No views or nothing touched during the cruise period.
Next flight, Melbourne to Sydney YMML to YSSY, a short flight of around one hour fifteen minutes, as above every thing fine up to cruise. Around half way through the cruise it was time to bring up the FMC to enter my descent speeds and altitudes for arrival, I like to do it manually. As soon as I clicked on the icon to bring up the FMC the flight froze. Similar things happen with the Level D 767.
The only way I seem to be able to get out of the freeze is to turn the computer completely off with the on/ off button, so that's the end of that flight.
I love flying flying with this VA but can rarely file a completed flight, so frustrating.
AS267 Rob

Re: Stumped

Postby as176andre » 16 May 2016 07:39

Hi All I have had this a lot, I find it generally happens when FSUIPC does a save or when Jepp did a 15 minute weather update, so I have reduced my save to every 30 min and it has reduced the amount of lock-ups. Think it runs into to memory issues when you have a Jepp weather update at the same time as a save, I found that by not having the Jepp weather update also works. I have now also bought Active Sky Next and it has reduced the lock ups.

Just a thought not sure if it will solve everyone's issue.

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Re: Stumped

Postby AS267 Rob » 16 May 2016 23:16

I have a 250 GB C drive and only had 5 GB left so I did a big clean up of the computer and deleted all the stuff I no longer use and then a Defrag of the C drive, this gained me an extra 50 G on the drive.
Did a 90 minute IFly 737-800 flight last night without any problems, did the clean up fix it, fingers crossed.

AS267 Rob

Re: Stumped

Postby AS541-Brian » 17 May 2016 02:50

Another area I had an issue in was with scenery that was installed. Do you have any extra that might be causing a conflict?

Re: Stumped

Postby AS267 Rob » 17 May 2016 09:36

With scenery I have stuck with Orbx, just their GV, Oceana and England, no sophisticated airports etc.
Nothing maxed out and getting reasonable frame rates,30 to 40 with the freeware aircraft and around 12 to 20 plus depending on flight altitude with the high end payware aircraft.

AS267 Rob

Re: Stumped

Postby AS541-Brian » 18 May 2016 06:20

Another thought...fullscreen or windowed?

I also had freezing issues in my computer when my GPU started going bad. Check that, and clear dust out to double check overheating. High end payware puts extra strain on your computer.

Re: Stumped

Postby AS267 Rob » 24 May 2016 00:36

I checked the internals of my computer and no dust was found and also left one side panel off for possible better cooling.
Next I decided to do some experiments, so I mounted my favorite stead, IFly 737-800, did not enter any data into the FMC or engage the Auto Throttle.
Departed from Brisbane with a manual climb to 36000 ft then pointed the nose due west to fly across Australia, sim speed was set to normal and I let her fly onward on Auto pilot for 4.5 hours, no problems.
After the above hours I reset the sim speed to X2, the aircraft still flew on with no problems.
Next was to set sim speed to X4, the sim froze within approximately 2 minutes.
So, is this a glitch within FSX itself or what in my computer would cause the freeze ?
The only other Addon that was running was Orbx Oceana.
Thank you for all your suggestions.

AS267 Rob

Re: Stumped

Postby AS541-Brian » 24 May 2016 23:23

I still think it might be your video card going bad...

What do you have in your system?

Re: Stumped

Postby AS201 Joe » 25 May 2016 01:47

As it only seems to happen with payware aircraft, I would lean more towards an fsuipc/simconnect issue. Maybe try updating both?

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Re: Stumped

Postby AS267 Rob » 25 May 2016 09:34

Thanks guys for trying to help but I am getting so bogged down with this issue.
Searching the Internet, I think I have read more so called fixes for this issue than there are pages in the book War and Peace and my computer knowledge ends at the on/ off button.
I will just press on doing the flights I can and if we ever finally get a new sim let's hope it does not have problems like these.

Cheers and thanks
AS267 Rob

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