True Opinions

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True Opinions

Postby AS267 Rob » 09 May 2016 23:24

Hi all,
I know that there is a lot about this on the web, FSX or Xplane, I know neither are perfect but I would like to hear the opinions from the Xplane users here.
After spending a lot of money on FSX over the years including a dedicated sim computer, hi-end addons and much more I am just about at the end of my tether with FSX freezing mid flight and other unexpected hitches.
I have spent hours on the web reading and carrying out "so called fixes" for FSX mainly to no avail, so I am thinking out with FSX and in with Xplane.

AS267 Rob

Re: True Opinions

Postby AS541-Brian » 10 May 2016 05:37


I have been a MSFS person for the better part of 33 years. I have moved to P3D simply due to the money I have spent on addons and the familiarity with the interface.

That being said, I do own X-Plane and I never use it. I personally do not like the interface and the amount of addons you have to add to make it close to what we have with FSX or P3D is astonishing. And if you fly online, there are alot of stability issues. The addons for X-Plane, while they are getting better, are not up to par yet.

Depending on what the future holds with P3D and the new Dovetail sims, I am going to wait before I make any significant jump. The X-Plane community is very passionate about their sim, but it is still a small community. Just my 2 cents.

Re: True Opinions

Postby AS267 Rob » 11 May 2016 10:40

Thanks for your reply Brian, I am kind of thinking along the same lines at present, wait and see with Dovetail, let's hope, but not holding my breath waiting for an outcome.
Ten years since FSX and a few band aids applied, we are due for a new and better sim for our worldwide hobby.

AS267 Rob

Re: True Opinions

Postby Leemazz » 11 May 2016 18:30

I think Dovetail will change things with 64bit sim , im in if it is on the FSX engine

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