Do not read... I am just venting!!!

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Do not read... I am just venting!!!

Postby Lairyliam » 29 Mar 2016 23:37

Anyone else getting annoyed with sim crashing mid flight? It really put me off simming sometimes with a bitter taste in ones mouth.

There are pages and pages of discussion on what's causing these random P3D crashes... yet no one seems to be able to pin point what's actually happening.

I have had my new expensive system around 6 months now, that I spent a lot of money on so it can run sim and film editing software, yet all I seem to be doing is fighting with random and unexpedted sim crashes, frankly its soul destroying, do I really want to load up another flight. spend anything up to, what? 60-90 mins on pre departure (planning and FS2 Crew) only to find out 2/5/6/10 hours later that P3D has experienced a problem and has to close.

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Re: Do not read... I am just venting!!!

Postby JSkorna » 30 Mar 2016 18:41

Should have stuck with FSX.

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Re: Do not read... I am just venting!!!

Postby AS541-Brian » 31 Mar 2016 02:23

I did not follow your rules and read your post.

I am not sure why some people have these crashes and others dont. I have 3.2 and it performs flawlessly. Have you downloaded the most recent version of 3.2? And also, are you running any non compatible addons that might be causing a conflict? Just asking.

Re: Do not read... I am just venting!!!

Postby Lairyliam » 31 Mar 2016 21:25

Jim if only... I never adopted FSX. I jumped from FS9, which yeah, was stable as anything and I had a hangar full birds to fly.

Lol Brian. Thanks, its probably nonsense anyway!! - actually I deleted the worst of it....

As far as I know I'm as up to date as I can be, with so may add-ons its hard to know what works out of the box and what doesn't...

I have reached out to LM, and they have responded, but the only way I can prove something is up, is to trickle feed each and every program having just wiped my entire sim drive to start again... (my 4th time since buying P3D)

I actually went through this when I updated to 3.1, loaded a program, flew a long time, loaded next, flew, and so on, I narrowed it down to a couple of programs, that iv never used since.

So what ever it is now, will hopefully rear its ugly head at some point in the coming days.
frustrating having spent a few grand on new system, and software to not be able to enjoy it the way I really should be.


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