In-Flight emergency

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In-Flight emergency

Postby bigj » 13 Jun 2011 22:28

I'm a rookie here and just experienced my 1st in-flight emergency. I would appreciate if someone could advise me if I handled the pirep reporting appropriately. I read the manual but would like confirmation if I did it right or not.

Filed KDEN to KCPR. Stbd. engine quit and I diverted to KLAR. Made repairs & continued flt. to KCPR.
I filed a 2nd flt. from KDEN to KCPR but started the flt. from KLAR. I believe I made proper documentation in both my pireps explaining the situation. Please advise if I did this correctly or if I made mistake(s). I don't want to repeat my mistakes when this happens again.


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Re: In-Flight emergency

Postby JSkorna » 14 Jun 2011 15:22


In the future, if this happens again, just file one flight and include the details in your PIREP. In your case there was no need to fly and PIREP that second flight especially leaving from KLAR as you did.

We are an understanding bunch of folks here and our #1 goal is to: "Have Fun!!" So knowing that, you can relax and not worry about anyone coming down on you or anything like that. I know at some places this would not be the case, but that is what sets us apart from the others!

Again, Have Fun here!

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Re: In-Flight emergency

Postby bigj » 15 Jun 2011 02:48

Thanks for the info. Next time that happens I'll know how to handle it better.

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