Flying AS on VATSIM

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Flying AS on VATSIM

Postby vadopazzo » 13 Jan 2011 03:10

After many years of using the callsign of the route I was flying, I've decided to use exclusively my ASO29. However, since I don't want to lose the unique ID of the route I'm flying, I've started entering the following comments in the appropriate section in SB4:

Callsign = "Air Source" flying CSA886 (or whatever route I'm flying), one of 100s of 1000s real world airline routes available @

At least one new pilot has decided to join after reading it, I think.

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Re: Flying AS on VATSIM

Postby ianbeggs » 13 Jan 2011 04:41

Thats a good idea, I wish we could have a cooler sounding Call Sign though, something like "Union", My favorite real world callsign has to be Arrow Cargo's its Big A.

Re: Flying AS on VATSIM

Postby rabhaw » 15 Jan 2011 14:27

I've been doing that for years.

I fly as ASO190 and add the flight in the remarks along with the web address.

That's the one thing I wish we could improve, more of a VA identity online. I use text so the callsign is not an issue for me. I just feel the community presence on VATSIM or IVAO is really weak. I very rarely see an ASO on my flights.

Re: Flying AS on VATSIM

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 15 Jan 2011 17:22

vadopazzo wrote:After many years of using the callsign of the route I was flying, I've decided to use exclusively my ASO29. However, since I don't want to lose the unique ID of the route I'm flying, I've started entering the following comments in the appropriate section in SB4:

Callsign = "Air Source" flying CSA886 (or whatever route I'm flying), one of 100s of 1000s real world airline routes available @

At least one new pilot has decided to join after reading it, I think.

no objections here!

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