C-130 by Captain SIM

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C-130 by Captain SIM

Postby AS254 » 30 Jan 2006 07:30

Perhaps my most anticipated AC of the year. But, I have not purchased it yet, because of all the crap written about Captain Sim and their other products. With all the drama that seems to have surrounded this plane, I would like some constructive reviews by my fellow AS pilots before deciding to take the plunge.

Any thoughts?

Let the can o' worms be opened.
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Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 30 Jan 2006 12:22

Hello Chris,

Actually I hear it is pretty darn good?! I don't have it but many have said that they think it is an excellent aircraft. CS even put an update out for it about a month ago.

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Re: C-130 by Captain SIM

Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2006 15:34

AS254 wrote:Perhaps my most anticipated AC of the year. But, I have not purchased it yet, because of all the crap written about Captain Sim and their other products. With all the drama that seems to have surrounded this plane, I would like some constructive reviews by my fellow AS pilots before deciding to take the plunge.

Any thoughts?

Let the can o' worms be opened.

I've been thinking about getting this a/c but I'm not aware of the "drama". So what's the word on the crap that's being said?

Postby AS254 » 30 Jan 2006 15:53

The AVSIM forums for one. If memory serves, the flame got so bad they had to remove threads. Regardless, I would be interested in hearing what AS pilots have to say about this plane. The sceenshots look spectacular. And no, this thread was not opened to bash any company or model, I simply was looking for some unbiased reviews of the C130. I think this thread on payware reviews is an excellent idea.

***Can you drop paratroops like you can with MAAMs C47?

Mostly I am looking for a solid bug free model.
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Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2006 18:10

Hmm.. interesting.. I'd like to know why they were being flamed. Like you said the model looks spectacular, so I don't know why someone would flame them about it. Their work looks pretty good really. Though I've never flown one of their a/c.

Postby AS254 » 31 Jan 2006 00:31

From what I have read most of it had to do with customer support and some intallation issues. Its been awhile since then so I can only assume that those problems have been resolved. Just curious as to what owners of this model think of this AC.
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Postby Clive Armstrong » 31 Jan 2006 23:31

It's good - very good.

I spent the first half hour raising a lowering the rear cargo ramp, and playing around unloading a jeep - lol.

Childish I know, but fun nontheless. :D

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Postby AS 506 Jay Kae » 31 Jan 2006 23:38

They are going to get a Lockheed + RAF certification soon for this model so.. yeh it is one of the best. I got it the second it came out and have not regretted it ever since

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Postby AS254 » 13 Dec 2006 07:16

I recieved an email from CS regarding a 24hr sale. I just picked up C-130 pro for $9.99 ! Very nice model from what I have flown so far.
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Postby Guest » 27 Aug 2007 22:56

This plane is wonderful!!!! It will eat frames a bit, but most of the planes from CS do that o n my system (and its very high end). Worth the money to buy this one for sure!

CS C130E

Postby AS455 - Don » 09 Apr 2008 17:15

As a Neebie to AS but not to MSFS (I started w/4.0 back in 1988), I bought all of the CS C-130 MS2K4 versions and I bought the base package of the FSX version.
As a retired USAF Crew Chief on a C-130E (62-1792) during '66 -'68 Dyess AFB, I love sitting in the CS 'Herk' in a cold dark cockpit and remembering. I imagine back when the Dyess Line Officer would start up the crew door yelling "WHY" isn't this bird ready to fly and I would tell him to "Get Off Of My Steps!" Wow, good times. Oh, by the way, I was very 'short' at the time.
Buy It Now and deal with very slow Customer Support. Deal with it and use their forums!
It is a great model. I still get the hair up on the back of my neck thinking of the times that we survived one more landing.
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Postby vic365 » 14 Oct 2008 18:29

Anonymous wrote:Hmm.. interesting.. I'd like to know why they were being flamed. Like you said the model looks spectacular, so I don't know why someone would flame them about it. Their work looks pretty good really. Though I've never flown one of their a/c.

For my part, because of their total abandonment of the Legengary 707 purchasers like me. The aircraft is far from bug free and, promised updates, after 1.1, never happened. After repeated calls at their forum for fixes they shut down the community for quite awhile. We had quite a bunch of people with information on the 707...it was a great forum.

I also purchased their 727...only to abandon that mediocre product in favor of the Dreamfleet model. I don't hold the 727 against them...it's just far surpassed by the DF model

I don't have any idea what they are like now, years later...and never will...as I refuse to spend another penny there. For me it's simply a matter of principle...and completely personal.


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