Technical Stops?

Technical Stops?

Postby TerryW » 06 Jun 2017 12:10

I confess to not understanding how these might work for longer flights in the Waterfall series. A couple of the legs are quite a bit beyond my attention span! I think MyAAS has an option to save a partial flight and continue it later....that would permit me to choose a couple of interim airports, so I wouldn't have to do three or four thousand miles at a stretch. Would those interim airports be "technical stops"? Also what does "manage your ground time" mean?.....thanks,

Re: Technical Stops?

Postby sonjamichelle » 06 Jun 2017 19:40

Yes, I would be interested in this issue too. I'm not one to fly the "The Heavies" often and the long legs would be a stretch. I'd like to fly smaller General aviation and corporate aircraft that may require refueling and pit stops.

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Re: Technical Stops?

Postby JSkorna » 06 Jun 2017 22:24

1. Yes that is true MyAAS will save partial times but remember to also save in FS as well.

2. This means that MyAAS has a ground time recording limit of 50 minutes total for each flight. Any ground time beyond this will not be recorded. That is why you must manage your ground time.

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Re: Technical Stops?

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 07 Jun 2017 05:00

When you get your 'stopover' (referred to in the real world as technical stops generally used for crew rest and/or refuelling) then stop MyAAS and save the flight as a refuelling stop, you will see the option. Close your flight and have a break.

When you're ready to set off again, start Flightsim and just before you push back, start MyAAS and you will see your flight in the queue. Simply open that flight and resume.

The 50 minutes ground time is cumulative for the whole flight so this is in effect the taxi time for each sector in the flight. It's anytime that the gear has pressure on them so be very careful to manage this properly. If you exceed your ground time you flight will not be uploaded. If you do three flights in the leg, you only have about 15 minutes total ground time at each airport, both after landing and before takeoff so you MUST remember to close and save MyAAS.

I will try to get some screenshots on one of my flights to show you what to do, unless Joe has some somewhere. It is explained at viewtopic.php?f=51&t=7007

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Re: Technical Stops?

Postby TerryW » 07 Jun 2017 08:27

Thanks Jim, Mark....I think I got it. Will sign up for the event.

Re: Technical Stops?

Postby AS201 Joe » 07 Jun 2017 12:35

Actually, as Jim stated, the ground time should get re-set after every save. So, when you start the next leg, you should have 50 minutes available. I'd have to look at the code but, I think, only the ground time for the last leg is used in the final flight report.

Also, as with single leg flights, if you go over the 50 minutes ground time on any leg, myAAS just stops recording time while on the ground. All will still file correctly.

As Mark stated, just call each stopover a refueling stop and, when at your destination airport, you then then use flight complete (or whatever it is).

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Re: Technical Stops?

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 07 Jun 2017 21:11

Great, thanks Joe.

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