Checking in

Have a nice picture in FS you wish to share? Post and upload your Flight Simulator Screenshots in the AirSource Gallery (link on top of all AirSource website pages or inside the announcement of this forum)

Checking in

Postby Ralf M » 02 Sep 2015 15:18


I joined last month and like to introduce myself with some screenshots I took during my first flights.
Currently I'm limited to X-Plane flying because FSX SE does not run on my aging notebook. It works, but sky and ground are covered with purple dots. :shock:








Ralf M

Re: Checking in

Postby SkyCat » 02 Sep 2015 17:38

Welcome and thanks for the nice shots!

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Re: Checking in

Postby AS201 Joe » 03 Sep 2015 00:08

Agreed, nice shots. Welcome to AirSource, Ralf

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Re: Checking in

Postby av8orfliboy » 03 Sep 2015 11:53

Nice shots! Hope you enjoy air-source as much as I do. Great shots!

Oh, and I wouldn't really say "limited" to X-plane. I go back to it every once in a while. Some great things going on there, and starting to get some great add ons. It looks like you're enjoying some of them (love the old school 727).

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