Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

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Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby troywx62 » 26 Aug 2015 16:07

All the damage and destruction in Western USA and not a single humanitarian flight!
Wildfires have destroyed hundreds of homes and killed firefighters, some come from as
far as Austrailia and New zealand! Not to mention all over the US and not one flight.

I'll file vacation and do on my own I guess. :(
I've done KBFI-KGEG-KALW-KYKM-KPDX with Lockheed C-130 will do some with Rockwell 10 Bronco
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, & California are all burning and not a single flight.
This site has really changed. :( very sad and disappointing.

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby SkyCat » 26 Aug 2015 16:46


I am somewhat new here but I would expect a person to suggest that the managers add flights such as you mentioned. It might be a bit much to be so terse without giving them a chance.

Just my opinion!

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby troywx62 » 26 Aug 2015 17:17

SkyCat wrote:Troy,

I am somewhat new here but I would expect a person to suggest that the managers add flights such as you mentioned. It might be a bit much to be so terse without giving them a chance.

Just my opinion!

Not "terse" just shocked!
There was a humanitarian division here but they "Closed for improvement" and we have yet to see improvement and with no explanations at all. I'am not mad per say - but they owe the pilots something!
I am not complaining, just wondering why?
Sorry if you or anyone else is offended by my post. Not all of us do commercial flights!
Some of us miss the humanitarian flights. Just saying. Not being rude at all! I know these guys / gals
work hard to post real flight's and I respect them for it!
See the fires here at official site:
http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php ... a&lang=eng

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby SkyCat » 26 Aug 2015 20:25


I was not offended by your post! My concern was that your entire post seemed to be a bit premature! Had you asked them to place some flights concerning the fires on the site?

My only other thought concerns your last post where you state, "but they owe the pilots something!"
The last I remember was that all the members came here of their own will and none of us were charged admission! Unless I am missing something, this is a free site where the owners allow us to join and enjoy our hobby! I am not sure they owe us anything!

I will say no more on this!

My best,

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby Leemazz » 27 Aug 2015 18:47

Hello Troy

You can post requests in these forums , if you have flight information or a link to the flights then somebody can add them no problem .

All you have to do is ask

Bare in mind though sometimes we may not respond straight away as we all do this in our free time and also run the schedule division , its a slow process to add flights .

Keep your eye on the bid divison

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AshleyW » 28 Aug 2015 13:21

Don't get upset Troy!
The SDO's work hard here AND real life. My friend is one and he bust butt in Sch. and the former ASHA divisions. It does take time. Calm down and fly. :D

(You can also try Free flight and submit - if you want $v I'll send you some of mine?)
Last edited by AshleyW on 28 Aug 2015 13:28, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AshleyW » 28 Aug 2015 13:25

SkyCat wrote:Troy,

I am somewhat new here but I would expect a person to suggest that the managers add flights such as you mentioned. It might be a bit much to be so terse without giving them a chance.

Just my opinion!

Knowing Troy, I don't think he was "terse" - he was under belief that there were full time people making the flight sets. I honesty don't think he meant any insult to AS or any members. Peace to all! :P

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AshleyW » 28 Aug 2015 18:00

Not sure allowed but here is latest link I found troy.
http://news.yahoo.com/smoke-grounds-air ... 16239.html
I agree all help is needed!
God bless and fly safe! Seems most here don't care
I like everybody, but find many heartless - Bring back ASHA and the SDO's and this would be done!

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby Leemazz » 28 Aug 2015 18:47

Ok can somebody post the flights

We will need Airline , flight number flight time and departure and arrival airports

If the airlines are in the database i will add them if not i will create it as ASO - Airsource but will need the Airports at the very least

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 28 Aug 2015 19:45

I will work on this over the weekend.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AS380 Mark Richards » 29 Aug 2015 02:04

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby SkyCat » 29 Aug 2015 13:50

Thanks guys,

Broke out the old DC-6 and am getting ready!!!

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Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby AshleyW » 18 Sep 2015 14:14

It's nice to see the flights. Just sad Troy can't fly them. :(
He's in hospital and may be for quite some time. :( :( :(

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby troywx62 » 24 Sep 2015 17:12

I'am out of hospital just now. May try some of these if I can but they expire in a week so most likely not.

Re: Unbeliveable no wildfire flight

Postby SkyCat » 25 Sep 2015 15:04


Hope you are feeling better.

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