Pirep not filing

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Pirep not filing

Postby Robertwjr » 08 Jul 2015 16:49

Hello, good to be back, its been since 2010 that Ive been able to fly for Airsource, but im back. Just wanted to say, i've done one flight that i did and was able to file my pirep.
But, yesterday I wanted to do the Poker run and bid to do leg 1 from Panc - padu, everything seemed to be fine with the flight until I went to file it, when I go {File} it says: File flight reports (1)...., when I click on it, it brings up the windows that shows I've done the flight: PRO1 --- PANC - PADU --- 276 minutes. When i highlight the selected flight to file it, it brings up the file Pirep window then says choose a flight to Pirep, In the pule down menu it has the flight in there and says, Bid-PANC to PADU - 276 minutes, when I click on that flight, it comes up saying: Error MYAAS bid flight cannot be found or has EXPIRED and doesnt allow me to pirep the flight, so obviously I bid and flew the flight.
But when I went to MY Flights on the website it doesnt have that I even bid the flight, it just has the first flight i did like 2 days ago.

Ok, update: today I thought I would try Leg 2 of the event - Pro2. When I start the program to record the flight I get the Error: Unable to find Flight Simulator make sure you have FSUIPC installed. Its is installed and is showing up in P3D?

P.S. I am using P3D

Re: Pirep not filing

Postby JSkorna » 08 Jul 2015 20:30


Make sure P3D is up and running before you start the flight in MyAAS. Also make sure FSUIPC is the latest version for P3D

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Re: Pirep not filing

Postby AS201 Joe » 08 Jul 2015 22:10

Hi Robert-

I see you are up flying so, it looks like you have your second issue resolved.

As for the PANC-PADU flight. I agree, it looks like, somehow, the system lost your bid. Also, I see the flight as being uploaded. Unless Tom steps in here :) ...go ahead and bid the flight again. Then e-mail me your myaas2.db file, as an attachment, and I'll fix the flight up so you can finish filing it.


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Re: Pirep not filing

Postby Robertwjr » 08 Jul 2015 22:15

Yes P3d was running when I started MYAAS and the version of my FSUIPC is 4.939i - March 28th 2015. I just did leg 2 and it recorded and filed the pirep with no trouble.....dont know what the problem was, all I know is at this point I have wasted 4 hrs of flight. :(

LOL, I just got your reply, ok I'll try what you said and if that doesnt work, I'll send you the DB file. THanks

Re: Pirep not filing

Postby AS201 Joe » 08 Jul 2015 22:44

Ok, I did it a different way, go ahead any try to re-file the flight again.

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Re: Pirep not filing

Postby Robertwjr » 09 Jul 2015 01:04

mmmm, its not there to let me file it. It let me file the flight I just did

Re: Pirep not filing

Postby AS201 Joe » 09 Jul 2015 01:13

Try it using the db file you sent me. Should be able to save it back to your computer (maybe in a different spot) and copy myaas2.exe to that same spot. Just tried it here and worked fine

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Re: Pirep not filing

Postby Robertwjr » 09 Jul 2015 01:33

YESS!!! It filed the pirep. Thanks Joe

Re: Pirep not filing

Postby AS201 Joe » 09 Jul 2015 01:35

Not a problem, glad we got it filed.

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