Thank You, Lee Marrow !

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Thank You, Lee Marrow !

Postby Brian Doney » 04 Dec 2014 18:13

Just a few snaps from my travels in the MD-11.

While looking at them I realized that nearly every repaint I use was done by Lee 8)







If you happen to read this Mr. Marrow, thanks so much !

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Re: Thank You, Lee Marrow !

Postby Leemazz » 04 Dec 2014 20:35

No problem Brian

I would like to get back into releasing paints but i just dont have the time , i had to stop as at the time i had no kids but then we had two so had to hang up my brush for a while .

I do still paint and have a new MD11 set but need permission from McPhat to use their wing texture but so far they wont let me as i got blasted for releasing the HD paints the same time they put their HD paints up for sale

Here are some shots





Im glad to here they still get used it always makes me smile when they pop up in a video or picture .

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Re: Thank You, Lee Marrow !

Postby Neil B » 05 Dec 2014 20:15

I don't use any other repaints on my MD-11 other than yours Lee, and it still gets flown on a regular basis.
You haven't done a Western Global one have you ?.....been looking for one.

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Re: Thank You, Lee Marrow !

Postby Leemazz » 05 Dec 2014 20:26

Hello Neil

Glad to hear you use my paints as for Nordic Global i have not done a paint but there is some available , i did Nordic Global when they wore Finnair Cargo though

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