DC-6 Flights in Alaska

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DC-6 Flights in Alaska

Postby AS455 - Don » 20 Jun 2013 14:17

Lee Marrow
Thank you so much for the DC-6 routes in Alaska!
This is so cool. I love these old birds!
I still smell (in my mind) the burnt oil and 130 octane fuel that power these wonders of flight.
Thanks Again!

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Re: DC-6 Flights in Alaska

Postby Leemazz » 20 Jun 2013 19:00

No problem Don , I stumbled upon them and found it really interesting that the airline still operate the DC-6 , I thought it would be bad of me not to add some .

I will add some more when I spot it in the air

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Re: DC-6 Flights in Alaska

Postby R_Aldrich » 02 Oct 2013 08:42

after having lived up there for 20+ years, you guys must be talking about Everts... they still fly the -6s.. Northern Air Cargo stopped flying them a few years ago and sold their whole fleet to Everts.. Everts also flies the C-46 Commando (they have 2 of them Airworthy, IIRC.. named Salmon-Ella and Maid-in Japan).. also IIRC, they have their schedules posted on their website.. Used to hang around their hangar a good bit until 9/11 put the kabosh on hangin out at the airport.. think I still have a photo on J-P.net, but not sure.. I know they still have my NAC DC-6 pic there.. anywho.. if you need more flight info for them, like I say, they have there schedule on their website (and they have enough spare parts to keep those DC-6s going until 2020 IIRC) and if you like those kind of ops, there are a couple other options, too... Lynden Air Cargo flies Lockheed L100-30s (civilian C-130E) out of Anchorage (they are on the south ramp, right across from ERA's old hangar (the big red buiding)... and you could go a bit historical, and Reeve Aleutian flew Lockheed L-188 Electra's up until December, 2000... those can be some fun flights out to Kodiak, Dutch, Shemya, and Adak... the weather is always lousy, lol...

and if you want a good look at the Everts DC-6's, JustPlanes did a video on them (I got my copy from FSPilotShop.com, but I'm sure you can get them anywhere their titles are sold)..

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