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Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 25 May 2012 18:45

For all those sports crazy fans or avid fans of sports, here's the chance for you to put yourself to the test.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to select, before the Games start, who (not what country) you think will win medals. There is no restriction in terms of how many sports you want to predict the winners will be but you can only select one set of winners per sport. You can select who you think will win Gold, Silver and/or Bronze - even if you only want to select one person you think will win a Gold and make no other selections, that's just fine!

You MUST make your selections prior to the 27th of July. Selections will not be accepted after this date.
Once the Olympics are over, we will check your selections against the medals statistics and award you $V as follows:

1. Gold - $V300
2. Silver - $V200
3. Bronze - $V100

Note if you select a team that wins Gold you will receive the above monetary amount for the team, not for each person of the team (we have a budget to stick to!).

Jim Skorna AS195 has kindly volunteered to be the Air Source Olympics Sports Director (thanks Jim!) All submissions you advise must be by email to the Sports Director and no-one else - individual selections will be treated confidentially.

Full results will be posted in the forums.

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AS37 Norm Edwards
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Postby JSkorna » 25 Jul 2012 13:22

Hi All,

Just a reminder that picks are due. I do have choices from a few people. Remember, not all medals need to be predicted and anyone can participate!!

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