The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

VP General Aviation Division: Tom Little.
General Discussion about the AirSource General Aviation Flights Division.

The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

Postby vadopazzo » 08 Apr 2011 21:32

After almost 6000 hours of Scheduled Flights, I signed up with the GA Division and haven't looked back after over 11000 nm and 80 hours in light GA aircraft (Archer II, Mooney, Socata TB20, Bonanza V35, Stationair, Cherokee 6, Aztec E, Duke B60) flying at 1000' to 2000' AGL appreciating the scenery I never saw during my Scheduled Division flights. My first loop was a cross country to Portland, Maine from SoCal, then hugging the coast down to the Florida Keys and up the Gulf Coast and around to Brownsville, then up the Rio Grande, along the border back to my home base at KSDM. My second loop was a tour of Mexico and Central America - from Brownsville down to Honduras and back up the interior to KSDM. My current itinerary has taken me from KSDM, north along the Sierras, west along the Columbia River and up the coast to British Columbia. I'll continue along the coast to Alaska and beyond.

I've flown online VFR (unless crossing Class B airspace)and taken off from where I last landed and have chosen uncontrolled airports for the most part. I've encountered all types of WX and had to land in minimum conditions. I've used available navaids (VOR, NDB) and, although using autopilot at times to maintain altitude and heading, have refrained from using FSNav or GPS or other comparable systems.

I'd like to thank Tom, Mark, and the others who've given a structure to the Personal Flights and injected new energy into my Air Source activity. I haven't parked my commercial aircraft at Pinal, Mojave, Victorville, or the other "boneyards" and plan to resume Scheduled Flights at some point, perhaps when my virtual dollar account has been exhausted by my GA flights. Until then, I'll be keeping my eye on the radio altimeter I've installed in all the panels of my GA aircraft and looking for alternative airfields with fuel if the WX, darkness, or fuel necessitates diverting. I also do touch and goes along my route which adds to the challenge and enjoyment.

So, I'd say the GA Division is doing quite well!

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Re: The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

Postby AS 2 Tom Little » 08 Apr 2011 23:34

Glad you're liking it Barry! Don't forget that you can lease some aircraft for "free" (training aircraft)... if a certain model becomes very popular we consider changing a specific aircraft over to "training" - essentially the GA division purchases the aircraft from AirSource..

Here are examples of some aircraft that are being evaluated to be purchased by the GA division: ... .asp?id=33 (52+ hours on it already!) ... asp?id=192 ... asp?id=158

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AS 2 Tom Little
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Re: The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

Postby vadopazzo » 09 Apr 2011 02:07

Great idea! I see I've accounted for 5 of the 7 flights for the Piper Archer ... it's the one I flew cross-country! I fly FS9 and I think there is a greater variety of aircraft in the GA category for FSX. I've found it difficult to find a decent King B200, for example.

Thanks, again!

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Re: The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

Postby AS37 Norm Edwards » 09 Apr 2011 13:33

Thanks for the feedback Barry, it's great because often with new ideas/innovations we don't get a great deal of feedback, so it's good you took the time to post something here. It's only a matter of time before our pilots can own their own aircraft - the sky's the limit then! :)

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Re: The GA Division is doing well, IMHO!

Postby AS571 Dave Vollmer » 10 Apr 2011 23:38

Did my first flight today.... I will go broke if I fly my favorite G/A aircraft.. :D

Really like the concept, wish I could make some virtual $'s.... Hopefully something to look foward too.

AS571 Dave Vollmer

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