Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

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Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

Postby vic365 » 28 Jan 2010 20:56

Some shots from a few recent ASHA flights...Haiti relief and Classic Grand Canyon crash investigation.

"I'm tellin 'ya Vern, there be bonefish down there!"




I just installed the freeware L-749 and decided to try her out. Many of the developers also worked on the great FSDezign's L-049 so I expected good things...I wasn't disappointed!





I really wish the new forum was full size...S-I-G-H! :roll:

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Re: Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

Postby JSkorna » 28 Jan 2010 22:17

Hi Vic,

If you load them to the AS Gallery members can see them at full size. Yes, the system needs to approve them, but that is pretty quick.


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Re: Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

Postby vic365 » 28 Jan 2010 23:46

I've tried to view the "gallery" and must admit I find it a lot of trouble? I don't see how they are divided all seems random to me. I like seeing screen shots divided up by people and content...not just a huge gallery of everyones shots. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Either way...I'm not quite sure I understand why our forum has to be so "narrow"? Many other places use phpbb's forums...and they don't seem to suffer from this weird width restriction?

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Re: Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

Postby TheDude71 » 29 Jan 2010 17:57


I uploaded a couple pics yesterday using the add image link below and it worked great. It makes them clickable and you can choose the size. Nice feature I thought. Give it a go, and nice shots by the way!!

Re: Recent ASHA flights- Haiti and Grand Canyon.

Postby meeberg » 29 Jan 2010 18:03

Very nice pics, Vic.

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