How to install Carenado aircraft in FSX

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How to install Carenado aircraft in FSX

Postby Shawn McCaig AS569 » 01 Dec 2007 05:29

I've got the Carenado C182RG and C206 but I have absolutely no idea how to install it in FSX. I tried to install it and pointed it to my Flight Simulator X directory, but after it said it was done installing I went into FSX and there was no C182RG. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't have a clue what it is. Anyone out there that can help? Thanks.

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Shawn McCaig AS569
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Postby AS275 » 01 Dec 2007 10:27

Instructions are in the update package you should have downloaded for each specific aircraft from according to their website. The generic patch below the aircraft is a dead link - presumably all incorporated into the individual patches now.

If you pointed it to the root folder it may have installed elsewhere. Is there an Aircraft folder now that is not in the SimObjects folder?

Postby world00leader » 08 Oct 2008 16:54

Hi.. if the planes you install are 2004 compatible, then they will be install in your FSX folder as an Aircraft folder .. in FSX root directory or
you have a new folder inside fsx.. called FS9 ..

You then have to move the aircrafts manually to the SimObjects/airplanes folder..... also check if the gauges are moved correctly plus the effects.
After that, they should showup in FSX.

Hope this helped.

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